LIVE. Ukraine bans pro-Russian parties – More than 6,600 people evacuated via flight routes | War Ukraine and Russia

What you need to know to join:

• Ukraine bans pro-Russian parties† President Volodymyr Zelensky announced this in the night from Saturday to Sunday. The ban applies for the duration of martial law in the country.

• In a bombing raid on a military base in Mykolaiv, in southern Ukraine, at least 115 dead cases according to war journalist Robin Ramaekers. “It seems to be one of the heaviest blows to the Ukrainian army so far,” our war journalist Robin Ramaekers reported on the spot.

• On Saturday, another attempt was made to evacuate civilians through humanitarian corridors. In total could 6,623 people leaving Ukrainian cities yesterday, the president’s office reported. Out Mariupol there were 4,128, more than half less than the day before.

• The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday called for meaningful peace and security talks with Moscow.

• According to the UN, there are now 847 confirmed civilian deaths, and the number of injured has risen to 1,399. In reality, the numbers are much higher. alone in Mariupol are more than 2,000 people died by the violence of war.
