Live Ticker – (Olympic Winter Games – Slalom Women 2022)


Does Dürr provide the first Alpine precious metal?

There was no medal in the DSV team, Lena Dürr wants to change that! And the German has every right to compete with confidence, fourth in the World Cup slalom standings and failing to finish in the top five just twice in the seven slaloms to date. Three third places are there so far – they were the first three podium experiences in their special discipline slalom. The 30-year-old is one of the favorites and will open the race in a few minutes. Can she benefit from starting number one and a perfect slope? Emma Aicher, after all just in the top 30 of the discipline ranking, completes the DSV team, which consists of two women.


Holdener known to be on the podium?

The Swiss Wendy Holdener probably has one of the most curious series in recent alpine skiing history: The 28-year-old was on the podium 33 times in the three special disciplines Super G, giant slalom and slalom (29 of them in slalom) – winning from them 33 races but not a single one. This series continues this year: third place in Killington, second place in Krajnska Gora are the best results of the season so far. Since she was even more consistent overall than Michelle Gisin, who also made it onto the podium once, she has the best chance of a medal as third in the discipline. However, Gisin’s hopes are not much lower. The other two Confederates, Camille Rast and Aline Danioth, have outsider chances.


Liensberger ÖSV medal hope

The hopes of the Austrians rest largely on the shoulders of Katharina Liensberger. The best ÖSV slalom skier of the winter made it to the podium in Lienz (2nd) and Zagreb (3rd) this winter, just missed it in Killington. The slalom team, which is expandable at the top for red-white-red conditions, is also dominated by Katharina’s behind: Katharina Truppe was almost fourth in the giant slalom and will compete with self-confidence, Gallhuber and Huber with the same first name complete the Austrian team. All three can be found in the extended circle of favourites.


Warm welcome

Good night for the second decision at the technology specialists! After the giant slalom won by Sara Hector on Monday, the skiing elite will compete for Olympic gold in the slalom tonight. The first round will start at 03:15 CET (10:15 Chinese time).


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