Live ticker Greece – Germany (test international matches 2023, August)



Mid-term conclusion:
The DBB team leads 33:32 at halftime against Greece. The start of the Germans was still quite satisfactory and Daniel Theis in particular was able to put himself in the limelight again and again in the first quarter. On the other hand, there were a few coordination problems on defense, which is why the lead was not greater after the first ten minutes. In the second quarter, the German offense was ice cold, especially in the first five minutes, before Franz Wagner and Dennis Schröder provided a little improvement. However, the weakening Greek offensive found its rhythm, especially in the final phase of the first period, and managed to catch up with several converted threes. However, the short break is also due to the fact that the Germans were not consistent enough under the board and allowed far too many Greek defensive rebounds.



Dinos Mitoglou is able to convert both free throws, while the Germans have a hard time again against the Greek zone. This time it’s a pass from Andreas Obst that fails. The three-specialist is not yet on the scoreboard at all.



Incidentally, Justus Hollatz has not been able to return so far, which means that the 22-year-old may have been hit a little harder.



A turnover from Moritz Wagner allows the Greeks to get even closer. Schröder stops the fast-break opportunity with a foul, but Dinos Mitoglou will go to the line immediately after a time-out, especially since the team foul limit has now been reached.



Schröder moves in the direction of the basket and sees Theis, who is in a better position, which he alley-oops. Shortly thereafter, Thielmann can also use a Schröder pass. The Greeks stay tuned, however, as Michalis Lountzis converts the next three. The offense of the men in blue is slowly heating up.



Theis makes an offensive foul off the ball, which is why Greece continues to have possession. However, the men in blue have few ideas on offense. Accordingly, a pass from the three-way line to Dinos Mitoglou, positioned under the basket, has to be made, which Germany, unlike in quarter one, has quite well under control. After a foul by the DBB team, however, Thomas Walkup gets the chance from outside and makes the threesome. Shortly after, Nikos hits Rogkavopoulos with a catch-and-shoot three-pointer.



Schröder tries his hand at dribbling, but loses sight of the Shotglock a little. With an emergency throw from downtown, he almost still scores German points, but the ball jumps out with a bit of bad luck.



The 21-year-old forward, Franz Wagner, fouls again and goes to the line. Even if a throw doesn’t fall this time, it’s important that at least some points get on the scoreboard. This is the only way to ensure that phases of weakness are survived relatively unscathed.



Wagner makes the free throw and provides the next German point. While not everything works from the field, the DBB team has so far been harmless from the line. The rate is an impeccable 100 percent. It was very different, especially against China.



Franz Wagner is unstoppable with a drive and, despite a foul, gets through to the basket and puts the ball in the ring after a successful Euro Step. The NBA star will move to the line after a break and has the opportunity to increase the German lead back to six points.



The German offense is currently completely cold. Only after almost four minutes played did Franz Wagner redeem the team with a converted three from the right corner. Previously, Johannes Thiemann had seen the youngster from the Orlando Magics completely bare.



Gordon Herbert takes a break after the second quarter has gone 8-0 to Greece so far. The race to catch up is sometimes related to the numerous offensive rebounds by the Greeks. In this statistic it is now 8:1.



A three-pointer from Dinos Mitoglou doesn’t find its target, but a colleague is there for the rebound and stuffs the ball through the ring. For the DBB team, it’s going to be unfortunate, especially since Justus Hollatz collided with Dinos Mitoglou on a drive to the basket and probably injured his ankle a little. Let’s hope nothing worse happened.



Germany isn’t quite into the second quarter, but the men in white receive the ball again because of a step error. Maodo Lô tries a shot from outside, but it falls a bit short and falls onto the front of the ring. From the field, both teams do not have great odds.



Nikos Rogkavopoulos laid up the first points in quarter one, moving from right to left under the basket and using the board as a sort of shield from a block. Powered by the Greek “1”.



Beginning of 2nd quarter



Quarter conclusion:
After quarter one, the DBB team leads by 20:14 against Greeks who are not at their best. Schröder and Co were able to work out a small lead right at the start, which didn’t get any bigger or smaller afterwards. Germany recorded a few deficiencies in defense, but not all of them were punished. On offense, some things are not so easy to handle.



The final attack belongs to the Greeks, who have 18 seconds left on the shotglock. The team cleverly played the time down before Dinos Mitoglou prevailed on the left with a spin move and layed up the last points in quarter one.



Michalis Lountzis tries a slightly uncontrolled fade-away three-pointer and wants to be sent to the line by the refs. However, his pleading is in vain and his throw also misses the target. In the following offense of the Germans, however, there are no points because of an offensive foul by Maodo Lô. Both nations still have a few problems to contend with.



Theis is the man of the first quarter so far. NBA pro from the Indiana Pacers energetically pulls to the basket against Papagiannis and takes two free throws. Before that, however, Dennis Schröder moves to the line because of a technical foul. The German point guard hits his free throw very cool and Theis doesn’t need to be asked twice and converts safely from the line.



The Greeks can exploit a misunderstanding in the German defense and serve Georgios Papagiannis under the basket, which completes with a layup. However, a successful alley-oop by Schröder on Theis restores the old lead.



Daniel Theis sinks the ball from downtown and thus heralds the next time-out. The NBA star was previously served very well by Maodo Lô, who now stands in for Andreas Obst on the floor and supports Dennis Schröder in the back court.



The DBB team still has problems generating free throws on offense. First the shotglock runs out before Franz Wagner tries a hasty threesome at the next ball presentation. This one falls a little short. Both teams are not particularly accurate at the moment.



After the time-out, the Germans put direct pressure on Thomas Walkup, who is struggling to get out of his own half. However, a German blocks the ball with his foot, giving the Greeks a fresh 24 seconds. In the tanking zone, Franz Wagner can only stop Dinos Mitoglou with a foul. This discards both free throws, but Georgios Papagiannis can secure the rebound. However, a bad pass leads to the loss of the ball.



Greek head coach Dimitrios Itoudis takes the first time out. After a very good start by the Germans, the Southeastern Europeans found their way into the match, which is why the lead of the DBB team has not increased further recently. Especially with the rebounds, Gordon Herbert’s men have to work a little more concentrated.



Schröder is fouled by Michalis Lountzis while moving to the basket and goes to the line for two free throws. He transforms them skilfully and safely.



Dimitris Moraitis is not successful from downtown, but secures the rebound and serves Dinos Mitoglou with a simple pass, who can mark two simple points. In return, however, the Germans are successful after a wonderful interaction between Franz Wagner and Dennis Schröder. The two DBB top players harmonize splendidly right from the start.



The Greek centre, Georgios Papagiannis, is physically strong under the basket against Theis and puts the ball in the basket from close range. With a little delay, the Greeks are also represented on the scoreboard.



The German defense is immediately present, which is why the shotglock sounds for the Greeks even before a player can take a shot. The DBB team takes advantage of this and can increase the lead with an And One.



Let’s go. Daniel Theis wins the jump ball and secures the first attack for the DBB team. The long-time NBA pro also tries it directly with a deep two from a central position, but throws the ball at the front of the ring. The second German offense, however, is successful thanks to a three by Dennis Schröder.


The two teams have entered the court and are making the final preparations for the upcoming four quarters of ten minutes each. In his “Starting Five”, Gordon Herbert builds on Johannes Voigtmann, Franz Wagner, Daniel Theis, Dennis Schröder and Andreas Obst. Greece starts with Thomas Walkup, Michalis Lountzis, Georgios Papagiannis, Kostas Papanikolaou and Dinos Mitoglou.


In a direct comparison, Greece leads 9:4 against the DBB team. However, the chances that we will see a victory for the Germans in the 14th meeting are not bad. This is not only due to Giannis’ absence, but also because the DBB team is stronger and more balanced than it has been for a long time. In addition, the team chemistry seems to be right and head coach Gordon Herbert knows exactly how to get the most out of his men.


The DBB team has made a very good impression in the preparatory games so far, even if they lost 112:113 in overtime against strong Canadians. Before that, however, the Germans had eight wins in a row, which also caused a stir internationally. In particular, the 107:58 victory against China proved that the team is well prepared for the upcoming World Cup. In particular, the two stars of the team, Dennis Schröder and Franz Wagner, have been in a very good mood recently. However, it is particularly important that other experienced players such as Johannes Thiemann, Maodo Lô and Niels Giffey were able to deliver important accents and points again and again.


Greece will have to play the World Cup without the country’s all-time star Giannis Antetokounmpo, who has withdrawn from the tournament due to physical problems. Accordingly, “The Greek Freak” is also not part of today’s test match. Despite everything, the Greeks have traditionally had a number of strong players, although most of them are active in the domestic league. The only NBA pro in the current roster is Antetokounmpo’s older brother, Thanasis Antetokounmpo, who, like Giannis, plays for the Bucks. After two wins against Slovenia, however, the southern Europeans recently suffered three defeats against Serbia, Italy and the USA.


Hello and welcome to the friendly match between Germany and Greece. The two nations are testing again this Saturday evening for the Basketball World Cup, which begins on August 25th. The clash will take place in Abu Dhabi and will be released at 18:00.
