Live ticker 4th stage: Dunkerque – Calais (Tour de France 2022)


Perez in the virtual maillot jaune

Anthony Perez started this fourth stage 5:16 behind leader Wout van Aert. In the meantime, the Frenchman has been gone for more than six and a half minutes together with Magnus Cort Nielsen (+12:10 min.) and has thus at least virtually won the yellow jersey.


Who does the work?

Of course, the five-and-a-half-minute lead of the breakaways can still easily be made up for by the field. But it is also clear that the work to be done does not decrease and that the effort ultimately increases when the backlog becomes too large. Slowly but surely, the first teams should therefore show interest in a bit of leadership work.


Already four minutes

The two escapees are now gone in more than four minutes. The teams who would like to get their sprinters into position at the end of the race are still worried, but don’t worry and the field will continue to chat in a relaxed manner.


Motivation mountain jersey

For Magnus Cort Nielsen, the main thing is of course to keep the dotted mountain jersey and possibly even extend the lead. Yesterday, the Dane won all mountain classifications and collected six points. If he catches up today, that could be a head start that can be transported for a few days.


Everything is quiet

That was apparently the end of the action for the first half of the race. Cort Nielsen and Perez are already almost two minutes ahead and the peloton continues to kick back. The top teams just don’t have any ambitions to work up front in this first week.

1:35 p.m

Duo’s leaving

Two riders immediately pedal hard. Just like yesterday, it’s Denmark’s Magnus Cort Nielsen (EF Education-Easypost) trying his luck. At his side is Anthony Perez (Cofidis). Apparently, the main field has no desire to counter it and lets the two go.

1:30 p.m

Sharp start

Let’s go! Tour Director Christian Prudhomme waves the flag and the race begins.


Another five kilometers

The entourage of 176 drivers has meanwhile set off and rolls along the coast in bright sunshine. Five kilometers are still strolled, then it gets down to business. The first breakaway attempts shouldn’t be long in coming today.


The jerseys

Wout van Aert continues in yellow after his second place yesterday. The Belgian is seven seconds ahead of Yves Lampaert and 14 seconds ahead of Tadej Pogačar, who has donned the white jersey for the best young player. The green also goes to van Aert, but today it is worn by Fabio Jakobsen, who is second in the points classification, 17 points behind. After his solo ride yesterday, Magnus Cort Nielsen is in a dotted jersey and with a red start number.


It’s getting hilly

After the largely flat start in Denmark, the pleasantly flat landscape is over for the drivers today. The north of France is hilly as usual and today we have five mountain classifications of the fourth category in the program. Above all, the final climb at Cap Blanc-Nez ten kilometers before the finish should make this stage interesting for breakaway groups and soloists. The wind will certainly play a role again. Before the terrain on the second half of the route becomes more demanding, a sprint classification is scheduled after 63 kilometers in Lumbres.

12:59 p.m

bon jour!

Hello and welcome to the fourth stage of the 2022 Tour de France! After yesterday’s rest day, including a transfer from Denmark, we continue today on the French Atlantic coast. From Dunkirk, there are 171.5 kilometers to cover on the way to Calais. The sharp start is scheduled for around 1:30 p.m.
