LIVE | Suspicious needle stick incidents at The Hague dance festival in court | Inland

Our reporter Saskia Belleman reports live on this lawsuit. Read in her Twitter feed at the bottom of the post.

The Public Prosecution Service suspects the 31-year-old man without a permanent home or residence of having pricked several people with a hypodermic needle at the festival. The suspect, who was arrested on the spot, had a syringe with the remains of a substance in it. After investigation, the needle turned out to contain substances that occur in cocaine, heroin and adulterants. Three women have filed a complaint. No one has been unconscious.

Recently, there have been more reports of people who say they have been pricked with a needle while going out and who suspect that they have been injected with drugs. Much is unclear about the phenomenon of needle spiking. Police say people who believe they have been drugged should seek medical attention as soon as possible. The Trimbos Institute also recommends collecting your own urine quickly. Drugs disappear from the body over time and so there is a greater chance that traces of them will be found.
