Live stream: Experience the full length of the new edition of the Berlin Love Parade “Rave The Planet” here

The last techno parade in the capital was 16 years ago. Now it’s that time again. On July 9, 2022, around 25,000 people will dance through the streets of Berlin to the music of 150 artists on a total of 18 music floats. The start is at 2 p.m. at Uhlandstraße underground station in Charlottenburg. Here is the live stream:

“Rave the Planet” is intended to be more than just a hedonistic fun event, but also makes political demands. This includes the recognition and preservation of electronic dance music culture as a cultural achievement. Berlin’s techno culture is to become an intangible cultural heritage of Unesco. The website states: “Our vision is for techno to be recognized as a cultural form. Berlin’s techno culture, with its peculiarities and peculiarities, is to be protected by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. Clubs and other venues are preserved and cultural workers are supported so that the culture is preserved and can continue to develop.”
