LIVE | Russian ultimatum expired, but Mariupol fighters do not give up | War Ukraine

Most important news at a glance:

Russian anti-aircraft defense forces shot down a transport plane that brought weapons from the West near the Ukrainian city of Odessa on Saturday, Russia’s state news agency TASS said. The message could not be independently verified.

– The Russian Ministry of Defense claims to have ‘completely wiped clean’ Mariupol. According to the Russians, 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers are still standing: they have entrenched themselves in the Azovstal steel factory, a large industrial complex on the Sea of ​​Azov. They are completely cut off from the outside world there. Russia has given them an ultimatum: “Surrender or die!”

– If the Russians kill the last Ukrainian soldiers in the port city of Mariupol, it will mean an end to the peace negotiations with Moscow, says Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky.
