LIVE: Petition to abolish corona pass signed 100,000 times | 1Limburg

Read the most important corona news from Saturday 5 February here.

11:20 am – Petition Keijzer for abolition of the corona pass signed 100,000 times
The petition of former CDA State Secretary Mona Keijzer for the immediate abolition of the corona admission ticket (CTB) has been signed more than 100,000 times in one day.

The petition refers to a manifesto under the motto Undistributed Open. In it, a broad coalition of prominent figures argues in favor of reopening society without a corona pass. “Now that it becomes clear that this coronavirus will also become endemic, corona tickets should not be given a place in the ‘toolbox’ of a free democracy. We call on the government and parliament to abolish corona tickets with immediate effect,” they say. “The harm it causes is disproportionate to any public health benefits.” They call the corona pass a “violation of fundamental rights” that is “not necessary, let alone proportional”.

10:04 a.m. – GoFundMe ends Ottawa protester’s fundraiser
The crowdfunding platform GoFundMe has ended the fundraiser for the truck drivers who have been demonstrating for days in the Canadian capital Ottawa. According to the platform, the protest has become an “occupation” and violates the website’s terms of use. Local media report that the action has already raised millions of Canadian dollars.

The platform transfers the undrawn money to “credible charities” in consultation with the organization. The protest was initially against the vaccination requirement for drivers crossing international borders. Later, the protest turned more against the overall corona policy and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

00:30 am – Grand coalition with Mona Keijzer as face wants to get rid of corona pass
Former State Secretary Mona Keijzer of the CDA has started a coalition with two more initiators that is fighting for the abolition of the corona ticket. The damage it would cause “is disproportionate to any public health benefits,” they say.

Ex-politicians, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs and scientists have signed the manifesto. Among them are the former MPs Joël Voordewind (ChristenUnie), Marianne Thieme (Party for the Animals) and Michel Rog (CDA), as well as professor Jan Rotmans, comedian Guido Weijers, top man Ritty van Straalen (ID&T Group), directors Dick Maas and Martin Koolhoven and pastor Paul Visser.

00:01 am – NS is canceling more trains this weekend due to staff loss
Fewer intercity trains and sprinters will be running this weekend than usual due to staff loss at the NS. The rail operator advises travelers to use the journey planner before they want to take the train.

This concerns the routes Amsterdam Central – The Hague Central, Schiphol – Arnhem/Nijmegen, Utrecht Central – Hoofddorp and the high-speed line between Amsterdam and Rotterdam.

The NS had previously reported that fewer intercity trains (IC direct) will run on the latter route. Also last weekend there were fewer trains in various places in the country due to problems with the timetable.


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