LIVE OEKRAÏNE. Zelensky calls for “machteloosheid” VN and wants Russia to veto right ontnemen – Poland stops wapenleveringen in Oekraïne | Home


Poland stops wapenleveringen aan Oekraïne

Poland was able to deliver its products to the Oekraine omdat het zich concentrated op zijn own armament. This was shown by Poolse’s first minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

The spanning tussen from Warsaw and Kiev were the first to open the door conflict over graan uit Oekraïne. Poland is the owner of the invoice and has its own land buildings.

Kiev serves a klacht in bij de Wereldhandel organisation. The President of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, expressed solidarity with the Ukraine this summer. Poland received the Oekraïense ambassador on the matter.

The Poolse premier verduidelijkte niet wanneer The wapenleveringen aan Oekraïne precies zijn stopped. Hij speak also niet uit over a link with the graanconflict.

“We have taken on the task of modernizing and quickly arming the Poolse leger, which is one of the most powerful land powers in Europe. This means that we have the right term to pay,” the report says.


Leger Oekraïne schorst wordvoerster uit VS

The Oekraïense strijdkrachten was sheared in the first place by Sarah Ashton-Cirillo. De Amerikaanse zou uitspraken hebben thought the rivets were goedgekeurd door de legertop. The Ministry of Defense of the East-European Land shows that a second dimension is in place.

Ashton-Cirillo has over 160,000 views on reporting platform X and is also active on YouTube. Het is onduidelijk wilke uitspraken dead hair shearing hebben geleid. The transvrouw uit Nevada went last year to the Oekraïne, aanvankelijk om verslag te doen over vluchtelingen. Ze eindigde as a legerwoordvoerster and kreeg in the role ook in Russia bekendheid.

Op de Russian television was long ago speciale uitzending van een uur te zien over de Amerikaanse. Daarin will ze omschreven as “monster” and “a shame for the employers”. Ashton-Cirillo gave an interview a week later at a press service AFP. The vertelde toen in haar studio in Kiev dat the uitgangspunt van haar eenheid is om de “haat tegen de Russen te omarmen”.

Word leader Sarah Ashton-Cirillo. © AFP


Russian minister Lavrov is in the Veiligheidsraad in the Zelensky agency

Volgens de Secretary General of the United Nations António Guterres is the editor oorlog in Oekraïne geopolitieke spanningen enlarged, which brought stability to the region, the nuclear power increased and “diepe kloven” arrived in the world. Hij had criticism on the “meedogenloze aanvallen op burgers” and burgerdoelen. The Russian invasion is a Schending of the Handvest of the United Nations and of the international law, benadrukte hij.

The Russian Minister of Buitenlandse Zaken Sergei Lavrov sloot some tijd nadat Zelensky was spoiled too. Hij zei the United States and others Western countries don’t have enough quantities in the “inland areas” of the Oekraïneand the blame is placed on the conflict. Hij noemde the Russian veto right “legitiem”.

The Oekraïne aan het word kwam in the vergadering van de Verenigde Naties unfortunatelyde dead tense situations. Russia zit as vast lid van de raad also aan tafel. The permanent representative of the country, Vasili Nebenzja, made it to the beginning of the bijeenkomst before the president of the Oekraïense came as one of the first in the world. As a result, this is in line with the rules, the two presidents of the leden, which should come from the council as soon as possible.

The front of the Veiligheidsraad, the Albanese premier Edi Rama, wilde daar niets van weten. Hij zei that he vooraf overleg over was gevoerd en noemde het “nogal verzocht” dat uitgerekend Rusland over overtreding van de regels begun. “He is as oplossing as u het he never mee aens bent. U stop the oorlog en president Zelensky never come to the word.”

The Russian Minister of Buitenlandse Zaken Sergei Lavrov at aankomst.
The Russian Minister of Buitenlandse Zaken Sergei Lavrov at aankomst. © Getty Images via AFP

The Russian Minister of Buitenlandse Zaken Sergei Lavrov.
The Russian Minister of Buitenlandse Zaken Sergei Lavrov. © ANP / EPA

11:40 p.m

Zelensky complains about the VN’s “powerhouse” over Russia’s veto rights

The Oekraïense president Volodymyr Zelensky speaks in a speech to the UN Veiligheidsraad in New York, de power of the United Nations. The VN reacts to problems with “retoriek” in plaats of “real oplossingen”, zei hij. The president also criticized the veto right of Russia and the United States of America subsequently took issue with it.

The Algemene Vergadering van the VN must devoegdheid krijgen om a veto te wininnen, zei Zelensky.

“The people don’t have a long hair hoop on the VN as they can see the verdedigen of the sovereign borders of their nations,” he said. De Oekraïense president This means that the VN has a system that is open to the public and can react to other states. “It is the nationality of the world that has been passed over a dergelijk mechanism to react against aggression from other people, which they want for their own safety.”

Hij Zei dat de Russian invasion in Oekraïne het nut van a dergelijk mechanisme en de impact van krachtige sancties tegen an agressor had aangetond. “Degenen die een oorlog willen zuden zuden, voordat ze hun fatale fout begaan, moeten zien wat ze precies zullen verliezen als de oorlog zou begin”, klonk het. The issue of dergelijke preventieve sancties must have been passed, the overweging must automatically be voorgelegd aan de VN-Veiligheidsraad wanneer a lid van de Algemene Vergadering van de VN a dreiging van aggression reported, explains Zelensky.

This means that the Oekraïner also has access to the VN-Veiligheidsraad and the breadth of the sea, which is permanent, in Germany. “Duitsland has become one of the world’s most important guardians of the world,” he said. Verder thinks hij aan A permanent defense from Latijns-America and from the state in the still ocean. Ook de Afrikaanse Unie There should be a place in the relevant VN organization. Azië also deserves a stronger aanwezigheid, show hij. “Het can never be as normal as land as Japan, India of the Islamic world uitgesloten blijven van a permanent lidmaatschap van het orgaan.” Hij zei dat het oneerlijk what as miljarden mensen he niet vertegenwoordigd were.

Russia will be op de Veiligheidsraad enkel vertegenwoordigd door the Russian ambassador to the VN, Vasili Nebenzja. Buitenlandminister Sergei Lavrov lies verstek gaan.

The ambassador had recently heard the speech from Zelensky in the house. Hij zei that he was able to talk about what the Oekraïense president was the first to speak late in the speaking of the VN-Veiligheidsraad and one man show te maken. The representative of the Veiligheidsraad, Edi Rama, refused the Russian ambassador in the following.

The Algemene Vergadering van the VN must devoegdheid krijgen om a veto te wininnen, zei Zelensky.
The Algemene Vergadering van the VN must devoegdheid krijgen om a veto te wininnen, zei Zelensky. © Getty Images via AFP
