LIVE OEKRAÏNE. Oekraïne boos om deelname Russian soldiers in a Mexican military parade | Home


Oekraïne boos om deelname Russian soldiers in a jaarlijkse Mexicaanse military parade

De Embassy of Oekraine in Mexico Heeft in the regering of the land Protest aangetekend tegen de deelname van Russian soldiers in the annual military parade, the next day will be held. The parade was organized every year in the squad of the de Mexicaanse onafhankelijkheidsdag16th September.

The editing of this year was never published in the context of Mexico, but also in this area 200th anniversary of the National Military Academy. There were military delegates from others China, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Cuba uitgenodigd. Ok de awakens from the Russian Preobrazhensky regiment what happened was the act of presence.

There is never any criticism from Mexicans on social media, who accuse President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of being a public signal to the international community. Oksana Dramaretska, the Foreign Ambassador in Mexico City, responds to the boos.

“De militair-civiele parade in Mexico City, bevuild Door deelname van een Russian regiment: Hun laarzen en handen van oorlogscriminelen zijn met bloed bevlekt”, Schreef Dramaretska op X, voorheen Twitter. “Hoe coherent is, my dear López Obrador, Uw politics of neutrality and uw veroordeling van de Russian aggression against my country?

Daarmee doelde de ambassador op de Verklaarde Buitenlandpolitiek van non-interventie President López Obrador was elected in 2018. AMLOas the president in the people’s world, he was destined for his country, as a result of a long Mexican tradition, It is strictly neutral to the opposition and not to the quantities in the internal areas of other countries.

Mexico heeft de Russian invasion of Ukraine last April still more than ever. “Wij accepteren Rusland’s invasion into Ukraine never, omdat we zelf onder invasions hebben geleden”, the president said today.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. © Photo News


Oekraïne shows that the tactical importance of the Bachmoet is heralded

The Oekraïense authorities have the right to take action Klishchiivka Heroverd hebben, a tactical concern to the south of the city Bachmoet on the eastern front.

“I want to report to the soldiers in the territory of the Oekraïne Teruggeven, in the area of ​​Bachmoet,” said President Volodymyr Zelensky in zijn dagelijkse videoboodschap. “Klishchiivka: bravo!”voegde hij eraan toe, met a opsomming van de legereenheden the aan de operation deelnamen.

“Klishchiivka is lost from the Russians”, Aldus Oleksandre Syrsky, the bevelhebber of the Oekraïense landmacht, op de sociale networks. Het dorp van grandchildren of our homeowners Will be taken to Russian Tropics in January.

Oekraïense military claimen de herovering from the village of Klishchiivka, near Bachmoet.
Oekraïense military claimen de herovering from the village of Klishchiivka, near Bachmoet. © Screenshot video

Vriijdag zeiden de Oekraïense strijdkrachten that ze Andriivka, another one from the south of Bachmoet, hadden heroverd. Het Russian leger zei zondag dat dit het geval was.

Oekraïne lanceerde in June a direct offensive from the door Russia occupied the area te heroveren. The offensive is “never misplaced” because of the American staff chief Mark Milley. “I know that in the comments that have been made, the offensive low interest rate is mislukt. It is never mislukt,” said Milley to the American broadcaster CNN.

As a result of the chief of the general staff, he managed to achieve success in the Oekraïne bovendien a great battle. The offensive takes longer and is monitored, so it is “consistent”.


Russians reinforced verdediging in Tokmak, zeggen de Britten

Russian tropics lift de afgelopen dagen waarschijnlijk Hun verdediging reinforced in the bezette stad Tokmak. This shows the British Ministry of Defense, which proposes that a military service can be fought within the two Russian defense lines in the south of the Ukraine.

The city is located Op zo’n 16 kilometers from the huge front line en wordt gezien as an important issue. The British Ministry shows the vermoedelijk Aanvullende loopgraven and obstakels for tanks have been set up. This word was mentioned as a text from the Russian strijdkrachten zich zorgen maken over Oekraïense doorbraken verder to the north.

The first Russian defense line was broken by Robotyne. The city of Tokmak is located at the Zee van Azov. As an Oekraïne can be doorstoten on the sea, so the Russian occupying power in the south can be split into two.

The military forces of the Oekraine lanced in June and were attacked by the Russian invasion force. Ze will take care of the loading over western weapons and tanks. The strijd verloopt moeizaam doordat the Russians enormous minefields and uitgebreide verdedigingswerken hebben aangelegd. The Britten is responsible for the most relevant issues of the Oekraïne and comes with an update on the conflict of the conflict.

11:40 p.m

Unfortunately, North Korea is also available from Russia

De Noord-Koreaanse unfortunately Kim Jong-un’s future visit to Russia was revealed. Zijn train vertrok volgens Russian media from a training station in the east of Artjom. The city is 200 kilometers from North Korea.

He fromd When the agreement is made there is also a final ceremony. Op televisiebeelden is te zien dat Kim over a rode loper on zijn trein loopt, terwijl a legerband staat te plays. Russian hoogwaardigheidsbekleders kwamen naar the station om afscheid te nemen. He was also present to the Minister of Hulpbronnen, the Governor of the Primorje Region and the Russian Ambassador to North Korea.

Dictator Kim is brought to his homeland. Hij arrived here in the morning with his pants on the train. Later from the overleg plaats with the Russian President Vladimir Poetin. He was told that Moscow’s interest could be in the North Korean municipality for the oorlog in Oekraïne. The Kremlin shows that it is overeencomfortable.

Kim and poet maakten afgelopen week tijdens en diner world duidelijk de banden te willen aanhalen. Unfortunately, the Russian toasted the strengthening of the “vriendschap en semenwerking” with its geïsoleerde buurland, which was built on the international sancties. The poet had already suggested that Russia and North Korea could help with the development of satellites and rockets.

The North Korean unfortunately, the zijn country zelden verlaat, inspecteerde zaterdag nog modern Russian wapens in the gezelschap van minister van Defense, Sergej Sjojgoe. The dictator created bombs and rockets that arrived in Vladivostok on the board of an oorlogsschip. Kim is currently in the Russian media and is also a candidate for the governor of Primorje. It’s easy to lose the drones and the windshield.

