LIVE OEKRAÏNE. For the first available Russian oil tankers in Noordpoolgebied – Zelensky next week to Washington | Home


For the first available Russian oil tankers in the Noordpool area

Russia comes first toestemming gegeven aan kwetsbare olietankers om over the Noordelijke Zeeroute te varen. The tankers are on the move from the Schepen thin walls The financial times reports that the rivet has been strengthened.

Moscow suffers from the door sancties hit energy exports om naar Aziëthere is a risk with the cost of these tankers catastrofale olieramp in the Noordpoolgebiedwrites de Britse krant verder.

Two tankers crossed the sea in August, 5000 kilometers long route along the northern coast of Russia af te leggen. Maar het zijn geen schepen met een ijsklassethe classification is based on a chip that can be used on different conditions.

The plan is due to begin in September to Chinalong as one of the Gevaarlijkste ijsroutes on the planet en ver uit de buurt van de mogelijkheid om te reageren als er een olielek zou plaatsvinden, aldus Financial Times.

Rosatom, the Russian agency that regulates the Northern Sea Route, has taken part in this effort niet-ijsklasse schepen In the summer the route is here. Het vertelde aan Financial Times dat all schepen rigoureus geïnspecteerd become. This also means that the environment is “already one of the top priorities of Rosatom and in all its surroundings”.


Zelensky heads to Washington next week

The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky is coming to the VS next week, confirmed the Witte Huis. On Thursday, Zelensky spoke in Washington with an American interview Joe Biden. The Oekraïense president is also on the move in Hebben met Unfortunately, both American political parties. Volgens the Witte Huis kan Oekraïne also “ergens folgende week” een new package guarded.

American media reports that Zelensky is coming to Washington United Nations in New York. Hij spreekt dinsdag de Algemene Vergadering toe, waarschijnlijk in person. VN topman António Guterres showed that he was listening to the speeches.

The Oekraïense president was in December 2022 before the last in the VS. He was the first to lose his land in the countryside. There was a speech for the conferences and the speech with Biden. “It’s just the last time we heard something from two people and it came to a critical moment,” said Biden advisor Jake Sullivan. Biden is currently lobbying ahead More than 20 billion dollars (18.6 million euros) for an extra fee for military, economic and humanitarian doeleinden.

Zelensky and Biden in December 2022. © AFP


Defense the Mogelijkheden of the F-16 “bestuderen”

Defense has the oppressive effect study uit te voeren over de levensduur van de F-16’s and the overstap to the next opvolger, the F-35. That’s what ‘La Libre’ reports. One of the scenarios is one possible leveraging to Oekraïne.

De beslissing kwam he op vraag van de MR ministers within the federal government, with the steering wheel Prime Minister Alexander De Croo.

Now it’s time for the F-16 combat aircraft to be delivered. There were different sayings before. The F-35’s are still there, but we want the F-16’s to be in their own right. Bovendien zitten de toestellen aan huge limit of 8,000 birds and zijn ze misschien gewoon te oud om nog te doen. The analysis was a real rivet for everyone.

Een deadline He’s not there for the study.


Oekraïne shakes peperduur Russian missile defense system uit op Krim

The Oekraïense Secret Service (SBU) is the same as the Oekraïense Marine in Geslaagd om een advanced missile defense system of the Russians from the Schakelen in the occupied Crimea. This can be reported within the SBU to the Oekraïense krant ‘Oekrajinska Pravda’. This is a S-400 Triomf, with a price tag 1.13 billion euros. Een Russian tourist I sold it last year by phone that he had a S-400 Triomf on the decks via a phone vakantiekiekje dat hij nam.

Read it here over here.
