LIVE. Macron op kop volgens first exit polls | Buitenland

Volgens de first exitpolls circuleren in Franstalige, Belgian media zou zittend Frans president Emmanuel Macron zichzelf opvolgen. In the exit polls there is a score of 55 and 58 percent, so the other RTBF, LN24 and La Libre reports. Het voor all duidelijkheid om exitpolls, het zijn nog not the first results. They were watched pas na 8 p.m. The polls are based on the input from neighborhoods that were scheduled for 17 hours. In summer gravel districts can be dead 20 o’clock.

In the overseas region, Marine Le Pen appears as a winnaar uit de bus te komen. In Martinique zou citing Frans President Macron 39.13 percent halen volgens de Franstalige openbare omroep. Le Pen zou uitkomen op 60.87 percent. In Guadeloupe there is also a bigger difference: 69.60 percent of Le Pen and 30.40 percent of Macron.

The right-wing candidate also worked as a winner on the bus in Frans Guyana (60.70 percent) and on the islands of Sint-Maarten and Sint-Bartholomeus (55.52 percent).

In the two overige areas it says so: 50.69 percent of Le Pen and 49.31 percent of Macron in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, more than 51.81 percent of Macron and 48.19 percent of Le Pen in Frans Polynesia. Opgelet wel: it’s been a long time since there were definitive results.

Ook op de Heizel in Brussel is known. © BELGA

fringes in buitenland

Fringes that were found in het Buitenland, kiezen de huidige president. Macron state met voorsprong aan de leiding in the United States (92 percent of the stemmen), Argentina (89 percent), Brazilië (86 percent), Chili (87 percent) and Canada (86 percent). The long 5,000 fringes that were won in Shanghai could not be lifted by the lockdown opnieuw.

Dat the Belgian media zijn met the first preliminary results come, hoeft not te verbazen. In Frankrijk zelf is het bij wet verboden om voor het sluiten van de stembureaus at 19 o’clock (and 20 o’clock in the big city) zelfs maar exitpolls te brengen. Belgian media zijn niet bonded to the wet.

Location opkomst

The total for the two rounds required by 17:00 was 63.23%. That is 2 percentage points from stock in 2017. As a result, there is a 28% share in the administration office Elabe from the right point of view towards the Verkiezingen. The highest percentage since 1969 (31.15%). In the first round, it was a total of 26.31%.

Klokslag 8 uur zijn in Frankrijk de stembureaus opengegaan. For 48.7 million fringes, a stem can be used against the President Macron of zijn uitdaagster Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen. © PhotoNews

Le Pen went to work at 11 am in the Noord-Franse Hénin-Beaumont. Macron brought na wanding in het gezelschap van vrouw Brigitte op de midday zijn stem uit in de Noord-Franse badplaats Le Touquet-Paris-Plage. The candidate of the liberal centrumpartij La République en Marche he will be guarded door honderden mensen. Macron scraps his hands, needs handwriting and puts it in front of the photo.

engine sputters

Long tijd leek het erop dat Macron freewheelend een tweede ambtstermijn van vijf jaar zu magen optekenen, maar de laatste weken voor de first ronde sputterde de motor enigszins. Le Pen, the worst of which is the first right in the nationalist Rassemblement National, there is a large rear stand in the Peilingen Nagenoeg way of the works, but most of the time it is right to the Duimen leggen. In the first ronde kreeg Macron 27.84 percent of the stems aft zijn naam, Le Pen con 23.15 percent of the kiezers overtuigen.

Emmanuel Macron.

Emmanuel Macron. ©AP

TV debate

During the weekend both protagonists voted first and last for a tv debate. Both candidates are still on the list of candidates for the future, so both of them will be asked to vote on the basis of the interests of the districts. The candidates went on the sea in the clinch over hoe de Koopkracht verbeterd, maar also over het Buitenlands Beleid – especially over Russia and Europe -, pensions, the climate, energy, the youth and immigration were discussed. Le Pen bevestigde that ze en hoofddoekenverbod in de openbare ruimte wil, what volgens Macron “een burgeroorlog” zou veroorzaken.

Macron wanted to take a look at the evaluations of lost experts as a result of the debate, which by 15.6 million people would be considered.

Peilingen van donderdag gave the 44-year-old Macron 55.5 tot 56.5 percent of the lifting. That’s a little bit dead never lost from the cijfers for het debate in that light on the first drawing. Maar de entourage van Macron maakt zich toch worries about de onbesliste kiezers en een mogelijk groot percentage afwezigen. “The race has never been done,” het says.

Most of the losing candidates have met the first ronde op om in the tweede ronde voor Macron te stemmen or om niet voor Le Pen te stemmen. Grandson of the extreme right Eric Zemmour is responsible for the neighborhood around Le Pen te gaan.

Macron won in 2017 with 66 percent of the weight. De verwachting is dat het verschill tussen de politici dit jaar less groot zal zijn.

Herbekijk also: Macron reports Le Pen van financiële gangen met Russia
