LIVE Liverpool-Real Madrid: Champions League final | The direct

The Italian coach pursues the absolute record for a coach. Salah against Benzema, the blows of Mané and Modric: history, blazon and talent in this stellar challenge

Here we are. Tonight at 9 pm, at the Stade de France in Paris, the final of the Champions League will be staged, the last and most prestigious act of the European football season, in which two wizards of the bench like Carlo Ancelotti face each other, in his fifth final from coach, and Jurgen Klopp. A stellar match between Real Madrid and Liverpool, 13 Champions on the showcase for the Spaniards, an absolute record, 6 also for the English and the thirst for revenge after the final lost against the Blancos in 2018. A final that was played in Kiev, now battered by the war, the same war that pushed UEFA to move the venue of the final, initially St. Petersburg, to Paris.
