LIVE ISRAËL. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: “We don’t have to accept the agreement with the government” – Israel will be sold to the hands of Hamas

Hamas reports “zware gevechten” in the north of Gazastrook. “Onze strijders zijn wikkeld in Zware Gevechten met Maschinengeweren en antitankwapens”, aldus de Qassam brigades, the military arm of Hamas. On the basis of the light images, CNN shows that the Israeli newspaper from Gazastrook – which is located in the Buitenwereld – three kilometers away from the Gaza Strip. Tegelijkertijd nemen also de gevechten aan de grens met Lebanon toe: “The intensity, frequentie en quickheid van de aanvallen zijn ongekend,” reported a correspondent from Al Jazeera in Zuid-Lebanon. Volg all developments in one live blog.
