LIVE GAZA. Hamas: “Twee gijzelaars gedood door recente aanvallen, eight others seriously won” | Conflict Israel-Palestine

1:40 p.m

Hamas: “Twee Israeli gijzelaars gedood door aanvallen, eight others seriously won”

In four days, two Israelis came from Gazastrook. This confirms the weapons of Hamas. Eight other people were seriously wounded.

The position of the steeds has been taken into account and the right treatment can be carried out by the terreur moving. “Vijand Israël demands full responsibility,” he sounds.

Amit Esther Buskila is one of the leading Israelis who Hamas still has money. © REUTERS


Hamas: “When the offensive in Rafah comes, it is a deal over gijzelaars van de baan”

When Israel started a major offensive in the city, Rafah laid it down bom onder onderhandelingen over the uitwisseling van gijzelaars. That’s a Hamas-unfortunately bet via its own television station. Hamas still has its hands on the Israeli military.

He rings International criticism The Israeli plans also took place in Rafah with a major attack on Hamas’s forces and the shells. The German Minister of Buitenland Zaken Annalena Baerbock was present “a humanitarian catastrophe” In other words, “the population of Gaza is not in the spotlight.”

The Egyptian government has a flight to the land of Sinaï, which is close to Rafah. When he came to the offensive, Cairo had a decade or two wars against Israel.

In Rafah there were currently 1.4 million Gazans.
In Rafah there were currently 1.4 million Gazans. © Getty Images


Netanyahu: “We have the largest Hamas bastion ready, the burgers are in the best possible way”

“Israël grondtroepen zullen hoe then ok from the city of Rafah. For burgers there is one veilige doorgang It was presented by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview with the American language on ABC News.

In the area of ​​Rafah, in the countryside of Egypt, there was a moment of shading 1.3 million Gazans. The most people were sent to the area in the north of the Gazastrook.

But he was given the opportunity to take part in an Israeli offensive in Rafah alarm bell dried. Heel wat landen, waaronder trouwe bondgenoot VS, warschwden Israel voor de catastrofale volgen van zo’n aanval.

“De overwinning ligt within hand area. We have made it clear that we have to worry about a huge doorway for the burger population from Rafah,” declared the premier. The word was spoken in the loop of the day, so it was published in fragments.

Volgens Netanyahu gaat Israël niet lichtzinnig te werk en zal er een detailed plan been opgested. Hij had the sea over area to the north of Rafah the ontruimd zijn It can be used as many zones for burgers.

“How do we see that Rafah doesn’t like it internally, it’s all right for us oorlog zouden must leave. ‘Hou Hamas daar maar’. Ons plan is real om hun Latest bastion on the Zuiveren“, clunk het. Hamas was wary of the fact that Rafah was killed and “tienduizenden doden en wonden” can suffer.

A picture from Rafah.
A picture from Rafah. © AFP


Israeli Minister of Buitenlandse Zaken wil ontslag UNRWA-directeur na vondst tunnel

The Israeli Minister of Buitenlandse Zaken Yisrael Katz heeft op X (ex-Twitter) opgeroepen dead He was appointed by UNRWA-based Philippe Lazzarini na de ontdekking van A tunnel on the head of the VN agency for Palestine flights. “Zijn onmiddellijk ontslag is essential“, Aldus Katz.

The Israëlische leger heeft naar own zeggen zaterdag A tunnel from Hamas is located on the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City.

UNRWA chief Lazzarini announced his services geen weet hadden van de tunnel The UNRWA personnel were reported on October 12, 2019 bevolen door het Israeli leger.

Erder blamed Israel Twaalf van de 30,000 medewerkers van het agencyschap ervan betrokken te zijn bij de terroriste aanval van Hamas op 7 October. Various lands, waaronder de Verenigde Staten, the Verenigd Koninkrijk en Duitsland, hebben sindsdien hun steun aan het agentschap opschort.


Dozens of Israelis on the street for vrijlating gijzelaars

dozens of Israelis went zaterdagavond in Tel Aviv de straat op om de vrijlating van de gijzelaars te iron. The family members of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were torpedoed by Hamas.

A chord for this “Tomorrow the farm will be ready to burn”declare the mother of one of the hens. “I’m listening to you today”I turn to Netanyahu. “Wanneer gravel jij voor mij?” Demonstrators protested The ontslag van de regering and new neighborhoods.

Later on zaterdagavond block Honderden demonstrators took part in public transport in the Kustmetropool. De politics pacts daarbij at least zeven manifestants op. Behalve in Tel Aviv he was also in Jerusalem and Haifa demonstrations.

Op voorspraak van de Egypte, Qatar en de Verenigde Staten wordt onderhandeld over a long staakt-het-vuren en de vrijlating van de gijzelaars. The onderhandelingen front real amps.

Protesters block a path in Tel Aviv.
Protesters block a path in Tel Aviv. © AP


Three recent Israeli raids in Lebanon, won by Hamas

Three canteens, waaronder two burgers, zijn zaterdag gedood in the Israeli aanvallen in Lebanon. Een Actie was court op aen responsible delijke van de Palestijnse moving Hamas the de aanval overleefde. The Lebanese and Palestinian people were reported to AFP.

These are the bloody accusations of Hamas against Israel on October 7th, which were sent to the door in Gazastrook, bombed Israel in the largest positions of pro-Iranian Hezbollah.

You will be able to take advantage of other people’s missiles in an Israeli drone There is a mosque in the village of Houla, vlakbij de Israeli grens. Another area of ​​​​plaats in the village of Jadra, within 40 km of the Israeli-Lebanese border. Volgens local reddingswerkers become A car arrived. Twee people had their lives, but they also had a lid from Hezbollah.

Volgens a Lebanese veiligheidsbron was de aanval court tegen a Hamas functionaris, Bassel Saleh, the responsibility is for the recruiting on the Westelijke Jordaanoever. Hij ontsnapte aan de aanslag, maar will met brandwonden aan de rug in the ziekenhuis opgenomen, luidt het.


Israel: UNRWA tunnel network on the roof of the building in Gaza

The Israeli language shows this troepen Tunnel network with a length of hundreds of meters hebben ontdekt that gedeeltelijk onder het UNRWA’s headquarters in Gaza loops. The leger noemt het nieuw bewijs van de uitbuiting van de VN-hulporganisatie voor Palestijnse vluchtelingen door Hamas. UNRWA was on the scene of the best of the tunnels.

Het leger en de innenlande veiligheidsdienst Shin Bet zeggen that in the afgelopen weken “a tunnel shaft” is ontdekt nabij a school the wordt beheerd door de humanitaire organisatie. The shaft has a network of 700 meters long and 18 meters deep.


This is the focus of the military intelligence service of Hamas. He was found on the sea in a cantoorruimte, with the goods open and stored. In a carefully verified document the leger and security service will confirm the documents and the documents in the VN-complex “The cantors were also used by Hamas”.

In a verklaring UNRWA shows that the hoofdkwartier vijf dagen na het begin van de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas had verlaten en daarom “niet in staat was de Israeli bevinding te bevestigen of anderszins commentaar te geven”.


“UNRWA does not have the military’s expertise in security, nor the capacity of the military inspections for the protection of its own hair, which can be accessed,” the state said in the statement. “We have never used the complex until we have lost it, and we are also not aware of some of the activities that may have taken place”. Volgens de verklaring is het complex in September last year before he was last controlled.

Veel landen hebben hun UNRWA’s financing in the Afgelopen is based on Israeli accusations The two Medewerkers were betrokken at the request of Hamas on October 7th. The UN organization has tienduizenden medewerkers.


“American aanval op Houthi-stellingen doodt zevenien rebels”

Zeventien Houthi rebels were born in America op hun positions in Yemen. This reports an official medium from the rebels.

“De lichamen van de leden van de strijdkrachten the as martelaren sneuvelden tijdens de bombardementen van de Amerikaans-Britse agressieare meegedragen in a begrafenisstoet in Sanaa”, zei dezelfde bron, with notice of hun names.


Saoedi-Arabië was waarschuwt tegen Israeli offensive in Rafah: “Extremely gevaarlijke volgen”

Saoedi-Arabië heeft Israel gewaarschuwd that an eventual large-scale offensive in the border town of Rafah, het meest zuidelijke punt van de Gazastrook, “extreme gevaarlijke volgen” zou hebben. The oil state called for the United Nations to take action to prevent Israel from becoming an imminent humanitarian ramp.

Israel has announced today that it has an “evacuation plan” for the citizens in Rafah, so that they can open a large offensive. Various hulporganizations were carried out by Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Artsen zonder borders dry daarop aan de alarmbel en also the Witte Huis verklaarde al dat a large-scale military operation in the city and a ramp zou zijn en niet op Amerikaanse steun kan rekenen.

Egypt also came to war in Israel from the offensive in the Palestinian Gaza Strip to its grandchildren in the Egyptian Sinaï-Schereiland. India Israel de Palestijnse stad Rafah aan de grens met Egypte binnen zou Vallen, dreigt de regering in Cairo er volgens de Amerikaanse krant The Wall Street Journal mee om het vredesverdrag met Israël op te schorten.

Egypt in Israel slots in a year and a half before the end of the year. Caïro vreest the Israel de Palestijnen permanently wil verdrijven en wil ook Palestijnse flight camps in their own country.
