LIVE: Election debate municipality of Hoogeveen – RTV Drenthe

The Municipality of Hoogeveen is responsible for the opening of the second week of RTV Drenthe election debates today. Ten party leaders discuss the hydrogen district Erflanden and the cutbacks in village and community centers.

During the last elections, Gemeentebelang became the largest party in Hoogeveen with eight seats. This time the party leader is Hilma Hooijer. She will debate with the CDA (7 seats), VVD (4 seats), ChristenUnie (3 seats), SP (3 seats) and the PvdA (2 seats).

This fixed combination is supplemented each round of debate by two smaller parties. In the first debate about the gas-free Erflanden district, it is the turn of GroenLinks and Forum for Democracy. D66 and SGP are next in line for the discussion about budget cuts to village and community centers.

The debate can be followed live via the livestream below:
