LIVE. At least 210 civilians killed in Ukraine – EU closes airspace to Russians and starts arming Ukraine – Russia and Ukraine start negotiations | Instagram HLN

What you need to know to join:

• Fighting is ongoing in several places in Ukraine. After “a cruel night”, the Russian troops have their attack on capital Kiev strengthened by sending a large column of military vehicles from the south towards Kiev on Sunday. Until now, the Russians attacked Kiev mainly from the northeast or northwest. Kharkiv, the second largest city of Ukraine, is then again again under full control of Ukrainian troops after the Russians invaded it earlier Sunday morning.

• Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday called on his military leadership to nuclear “deterrents” to sharpen. Putin justified the decision with “NATO’s bellicose statements” against Russia. He also criticized economic sanctions against Russia, which he says are “illegal”.

• Ukraine has meanwhile agreed to peace negotiations with Russia. A Russian and a Ukrainian delegation will meet at the border between Ukraine and Belarus. Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky is skeptical. “I don’t really believe in an outcome of this meeting, but let’s try,” he said in a message.

• The European Union sends Ukraine weapons and ammunition† It is the first time in its history that the union has done so. All EU countries continue to close their airspace to Russian aircraft† And Russian channels Russia Today and Sputnik are being banned for serving as a mouthpiece for the Kremlin, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell reported on Sunday.

• Belgium also sends additional weapons to Ukraine. On ‘VTM Nieuws’, Prime Minister De Croo talked about a total of 5,000 automatic rifles – instead of the previously announced 2,000 – and 200 anti-tank weapons.

More than 400,000 Ukrainians have already fled their country because of the Russian invasion, reports UN refugee agency UNHCR. For the time being, there would be official 64 dead civilian casualties have fallen due to the war, but there are probably many more.
