Litter on display: ‘This bottle is from before the war’ | 1Limburg

The exhibition ‘Weg met disposable’ will be on view in the Kunstencentrum in Venlo for the next two weeks.

Visitors to the exhibition can admire stray plastic that has been found along the Maas and in nature reserves in Venlo over the past five years. Some artifacts are decades old, reports broadcaster Venlo

Bottle from before the war
For example, a bottle of detergent from the brand Pril from 1961 is the first object that was found. “Another special find is a bottle of detergent from the Spar brand. It was made between 1932 and 1940. This bottle dates from the time before the Second World War,” says Laurie Baggen of Venlo Schoon.

“Plastic will not perish. The exhibition is intended to make people aware of how they deal with their living environment,” says Suzanne van Knippenberg of Venlo Schoon.

Saturday is National Clean-up Day. Volunteers set out that day to clean up litter.
