Litku Klemetti applied to be Finland’s visa representative – received a blunt answer from Yle

Popular artist Litku Klemetti says in an interview with Suomen kuvalehti that he applied for the New Music competition.

Litku Klemetti was disappointed when he applied to UMK. PDO

Yle announced today that seven artists have been selected for the New Music Competition. There were 363 song nominees in total.

One of these applicants was Litku Klemettiwho applied to UMK with his song Out into the world.

– We didn’t get there. It was a bit of a surprise because the song is damn good. I was quite confident about it, says Klemetti For Suomen kuvalehti.

The winner of UMK will represent Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool.

– It feels like the mainstream machinery once again overturned everything. The Eurovision song, which sounded like an old Eurovision song, was somehow too difficult a concept for them, admits Klemetti, a self-confessed Eurovision fan.

Source: Finnish magazine
