Listeria contamination at Milcobel in Moorslede

Listeria contamination at Milcobel in Moorslede

“They informed us themselves after they discovered a non-compliant analysis result for listeria during an internal audit,” says FASFC spokeswoman Hélène Bonte.

No recall

“All products were blocked, none of the cheeses made it to the market”. So no recall is required. The products will now undergo analysis before they can be released.

The company is now further collaborating with the FASFC to see what steps need to be taken. “Production has been completely stopped since this weekend. The health of our consumers and employees comes first,” says the CEO. In addition, additional cleanings have already been started and additional sampling, analyzes and checks are being made. In Moorslede, Bruges cheese and Nazareth cheese are made, the company’s website shows. About 180 people work there.

Not without danger

Listeria is a bacterium that can cause a serious food infection. Its consumption is especially dangerous for pregnant women, who risk miscarriage, or for older people or people with weakened immune systems. Then the bacteria can even be deadly.
