“Listening is a revolutionary act” -iO Donna

Drusilla Foer, from the gags with Amadeus to the touching final monologue: she is the star in Sanremo 2022

No.in the morning post third evening of Sanremo, with a handful of hours of sleep behind us and the songs of the artists still whirling in our heads, there is only one question that we have all asked ourselves. And it is not “who will win between Mahmood / Blanco and Elisa? », Given that the victory now seems to be theirs. The real question is: Drusilla Foer, but where have you been all these years?

He arrives graceful on stagedespite being taller than Amadeus by a long time, she is treacherous with him enough (he calls it “Coso”, gives him orders), but it becomes maternal and reassuring when she wants to encourage singers (she is very tender with Michele Braviwho praises her: “I am delighted that you are here», He says to her,« your presence tells us precisely meritocracy. How wonderful”).

drusilla foer

Drusilla in Sanremo 2022 (IPA)

Yup mask from Zorro (“I thought of something eccentric, to reassure all those who were afraid of a man en travesti, so that I dressed upHe said), and gives us one epic exchange of words with Iva Zanicchi. As she prepares to sing, Zanicchi tells her: “Drusilla, how tall you are!” and Foer: «More than you!». “You also have other things more than me!” urges Iva Zanicchi, wanting to be mischievous. But the Foer asphalts it: “Yes. I am cultured“.

drusilla foer

Drusilla and the compliments of Michele Bravi, to whom he gives a kiss on the cheek (IPA)

Amadeus also begins to have fun

In short, it is there best shoulder that Amadeus could wish for, because it is self-confident, ironic, light, only to be moved with profound words in his monologue. And, finally, with her next to her, the conductor also seems to have fun: finally appears more relaxed, smiling, certain that with his presence he can “let go of moorings” e start enjoying it even him.

Sanremo, 72nd Italian Song Festival, Third Evening. In the photo Drusilla and Amadeus and the meeting with Gilles Rocca

Drusilla Foer’s monologue

It is not clear why his monologue is aired so lateafter the performance of all 25 singers in the competition and the performance of all guests, but so be it: the decisions of Sanremo are final. However, if Lorena Cesarini’s monologue on racism arrived on Wednesday after just over half an hour from the start of the Festival, it is not clear why Drusilla’s words were relegated to the dead of night. Especially since they have been the most convincingat least so far, of this (and perhaps many others) edition of Sanremo.

Diversity is a word I don’t like because it has something comparative in it “, he begins,” a distance that just doesn’t convince me. I like it more uniqueness“.

Evening over, greetings from the co-host (IPA)

To understand and accept one’s uniqueness, Drusilla continues, «you have to understand how it is composed and what it is made of. We are made of beautiful things: ambitions, values, convictions, talents. But the talents must be trained, followed. Your beliefs require responsibility, you have to take care of your strength. Imagine what pains must be faced, which fears must be exorcised, frailties must be looked after “.

Get in touch with your own uniqueness “it’s a crazy job. But it will also be crazy cool. And at that point “, she explained moved,”it will be easier to get out of the state of conflict that distances us ».

He concludes his monologue with an invitation: “Make sense of my presence on this stagelet’s try the most revolutionary act: listening. Let’s listen, let’s talk kindly, we welcome the doubtalso to make sure that our beliefs are not just conventions. Let us free ourselves from the imprisonment of stillness“. Drusilla, we need you so much. And perhaps not only in Sanremo.



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