Listener has chosen: Lex Uiting first in Limburg 100 | 1Limburg

The song ‘Nao ‘t Zuuje’ by Lex Uiting is in the highest place in the Limburg 100 for the fourth time.

On Ascension Day, the Limburg public broadcaster broadcast the 100 best Limburg music productions for the twenty-sixth time according to the L1 viewers and listeners.

Neet oet Lottum vs. utterance
Venlonaar Uiting was surprised with the fourth award at a food truck festival in Amsterdam. After three consecutive years of profit, in 2018, 2019 and 2020, Nao ‘t Zuuje pushed from the highest spot by Hald Mich’s Vas by Neet oet Lottum. In 2022 Uiting still manages to win back the Limburg 100 award. Four of these now adorn his mantelpiece.

Of course Uiting was delighted with the appreciation by the Limburg public. After last year’s catch-up race with Neet oét Lottum, this was not to be expected.

Remix De Nachraove
Highest new entry in the list is Frans Theunisz with his current hit Gaon Nog Neet Nao Hoes† It is a remix of a classic by De Nachraove, with which Theunisz is currently very successful.

Watch the video clip of Nao ‘t Zuuje here:
