Listen to what Justin says about Britney’s baby

They used to be THE dream couple in the pop world: Britney Spears (40) and Justin Timberlake (41). In 2002, after four years of relationship, their love ended quite painfully in front of the whole world, but both have long been happy with new partners.

By Ina Michaelis-Ugwonno

But Britney still seems to be a pretty sore spot for Justin. Because when a reporter asks him about his ex, he catches him on the wrong foot. The singer gets really stinky!

A few days ago, Spears made it official via Instagram: She’s expecting a baby! With her fiancé Sam Asghari (28) she fulfills a big dream. After her kids Sean (16) and Jayden (15) from her marriage to ex Kevin Federline (2004 to 2007), she really wanted to be a mom again – and now it has worked: Britney is pregnant.

Surely her ex Justin Timberlake should be a bit happy?! After all, he knows how difficult it was for the singer in recent years before she was finally able to free herself from her father’s guardianship and can now lead a self-determined life – which should also include another child.

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So a US reporter takes heart and asks the pop star on the street: “Hey, what’s up, Justin? How are you doing? Britney Spears has announced that she is pregnant with her third child…”

He doesn’t get much further. Because the otherwise good mood of the sunny boy, who is strolling through the area in Beverly Hills with a drink in his hand and in the company of a man, is quickly over.

Before the question is even over, Justin angrily waves his hand and shouts, “Stop it! Get lost!”

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► “I’m Having a Baby” – Pop singer Britney Spears is pregnant again

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After that, when he goes into a building, he stomps pissed up the stairs and theatrically and through gritted teeth complains to his buddy: “(He) made me stamp my feet!”

It’s good, everyone, take a deep breath…

Justin’s indignant response to the baby question can be seen on a video that is now circulating on the internet. Many fans absolutely cannot understand the singer’s reaction. A simple “congratulations” would have been enough, is commented on, among other things, via Twitter.

But maybe Justin is also toxic because Britney has announced that she will also unpack about him in the book she is currently writing.

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However. Britney’s ex-husband Kevin Federline (44) showed a little more class.

After the baby news, he publicly sent the best congratulations, at least through his lawyer. Kevin wished Britney “a happy and healthy pregnancy” and congratulated “her and Sam Asghari on their upcoming and exciting parenthood.”

So that’s how it goes, Justin.
