Liposculpture, innovations on the intervention that reshapes the body

Ccall me liposculpture is the procedure capable of sculpting, as the name suggests, the fatty areas of the body. This is a actual cosmetic surgery, although constantly updated. An expert talks to us about one of the latest innovations, the Vibrated liposculpture, an optimized version of the classic liposculpture that allows you to reshape the body silhouette, reducing complications and pain. While remembering the invasiveness and scope of the interventionto be evaluated with extreme care.

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Liposculpture, what you need to know about innovations

As well as the liposuction, which surgically “aspirates” excess fat, liposculpture has a similar purpose, but with a different and softer technique. Progress in body remodeling is in fact focused on two important aspects: the preservation of tissue structures and the reduction of interoperative bleeding.

«Ideal liposculpture with Vibrata device is a multi-phase procedure that reduces tissue damage and helps reshape the body profile in a harmonious manner» explains the prof. Sergio Noviello, doctor and cosmetic surgeon, general director of Sergio Noviello Cosmetic Surgery & BAT Centre.

How Vibrata Liposculpture works, the differences with liposuction

The intervention is carried out with a detail motorized handpiece connected to a suction cannula that sucks out the fat. At the same time, the instrument also produces vibrations.

«The vibration allows the instrument to easily penetrate even the most fibrous fat. No thermal energy is generatedso there is no risk of skin burns, which can instead occur with ultrasonic liposuction” says the expert.

«Sthe works by separating fat from adjacent connective tissue, arteries and veins, preserving the vascular and connective tissue integrity” explains the expert. “In the end, the fat extraction rate is fast, reducing the time intraoperative”.

The innovations introduced by Ideal and Vibrata Liposculpture

Reduction of complications, post-operative pain and less swelling and bruising, the pros. However, it is important to remember that liposculpture is an invasive and complex operation.

«The new liposcutures allow the reduction of adipose tissue and an rbody shaping more easily. The procedure also manages to improve the leveling of any irregularities of adipose tissue, so as to also make its surface appearance more homogeneous orange peel”.

Manual lymphatic liposculpture, the non-invasive alternative (it’s a massage!)

Liposculpture also inspires non-invasive treatments, such as deep and manual massages, which mimic – temporarily, consistently – some of its effects.

For example, the so-called manual lymphatic liposculpture, it’s a deep connective massage, to treat yourself at least once a week in protocol cycles, which acts specifically on fluid stagnation, with a sensation of totally remodeling and lightening non-invasive of the silhouette.

Yes It is based on alternating delicate and profound, even quite intense, gestureswhich act both on adiposity, temporarily reshaping it, and on stagnation, with visible benefits on water retention, orange peel, localized fat and swelling.

