Lions in trouble against Denmark

The lions were in trouble against Denmark.

Teemu Hartikainen raised the third installment to the Finnish level in the last minute. AOP

The Lions, which are preparing for the World Cup, started their practice match in Odense, Denmark, on Wednesday.

The result was against Denmark. Eemil Erholtz raised Finland to the level of the opening round, but Denmark added the lead in the first 20 minutes.

The Lions had to chase two goals in the second round. It brought comfort Petrus Palmuwhich struck a narrowing right at the start of the batch.

The company was awarded at the last minute. The watch had 52 seconds left after the Olympic champion Teemu Hartikainen finished Sakari Mannisen input 3–3 smoothing.

The match was extended to the winning goal competition, the solution of which was mastered by Sami Vatanen. The defender finished the goal Frederik Dichow Nissenin from the slang.

– The good thing was that we rose from loss to levels and profit. I think we improved as the game progressed all the time, so overall the well-deserved victory for us, head coach Jukka Jalonen summed up in an Discovery interview.

The teams will face each other again on Thursday.
