Lino Banfi, his wife Lucia Zagaria died, he was 85 years old

Lall for Lino Banfi: And his wife Lucia Zagaria died. I had 85 years old and had been suffering from Alzheimer’s for some time. A great pain for the actor, deeply in love with the woman he married in 1962. The announcement was given away social from the daughter Rosanna Banfi.

Lino Banfi and the love for Lucia

The actor has always openly declared the feeling that bound him to his Lucia. Some time ago, in the living room of Very true, interviewed by Silvia Toffanin had told his wife’s wish: to die together. «Because if you die first, I can’t do itshe had told him.

Desire that he had also presented to the Pope. «I asked the Holy Father what you told me, the desire to leave together. The Pope told me he doesn’t have the power to do it, but he will pray for us.” The two, despite the pain of the disease, had celebrated 60 years of marriage last year.

The actor with his wife Lucia Zagaria. (ip)

The announcement of the daughter Rosanna

To announce the death of Lucia Zagaria was Rosanna Banfi, daughter of the actor. Who on social media wanted to say goodbye to her mother by sharing a photo from the past, in black and white, in which Lucia appears very young, smiling and happy, trying to eat an ice cream. «Hello mami now you are like this again. Have a good trip», wrote the actress on Instagram.

The social farewell

There are many characters from the world of entertainment who have gathered around Lino Banfi and his daughter Rosanna in this moment of pain. From Mara Venier who commented on the actress’s post with a broken heart a Maria Grazia Cucinotta who virtually embraced father and daughter. And then Sandra Milo: “I’m close to you”.

And, again, Eleonora Cadeddu and Lunetta Savino who shared the set of with Lino Banfi A doctor in the family: all close to the Banfi family for their great loss.

