Linguistic immersion | Feijóo and Arrimadas team up for the first time to fight in Catalonia

06/01/2022 at 11:50


The addresses of the parliamentary groups have been in contact for days and will jointly prepare the appeal to the Constitutional Court

The decree law approved by the Generalitat to Failure to comply with the court ruling that requires 25% of classes to be taught in Spanish in all Catalan schools you will have a response from the opposition. PP Y citizens They have been in contact for several days and will present a joint appeal of unconstitutionality, as El Periódico de España has learned. The initiative comes from Inés Arrimadas after her party already led a common front last week with the approval of a new law on Catalan agreed between ERC, Junts and the PSC.

Citizens asked Vox for support (two groups are needed in the Parliament) to bring this reform to the Consell of Statutory Guarantees and that initiative was what caused a delay in the approval of the law, to which the Generalitat has responded by promoting this decree in a extraordinary advice. The conversations that were already taking place between popular and oranges about a possible joint appeal for the new law, which had the approval of the Catalan socialists, will now be transferred to the decree.

Sources from both formations confirm to this newspaper that the addresses of the groups in the Congress contacts have already started and the next thing will be to decide the people who will deal with the drafting of the resource. Citizens requested parliamentary help from the PP because a minimum of 50 deputies is needed to promote an appeal to the Constitutional Court. The surprise for the orange formation has come by Vox, which has refused to repeat the pact formula before the Council of Guarantees. Without their participation, this resource is not possible since the PP does not have its own group in Parliament.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo himself assured from Rotterdam, on his first international trip as leader of the PP in the framework of the Congress of the Popular Europeans, that he was considering this appeal “before a Government that prefers the alliance with the ERC than compliance with the laws in Catalonia & rdquor ;. “We have to react & rdquor ;, assured the Galician leader without making more specifics. In Genoa, however, they confirm that the PP has decided to give this battle and that they consider “something positive to do it hand in hand with Ciudadanos & rdquor;.

The orange party is a pioneer in these initiatives in Catalonia. His most important electoral growth in the community came from the hand of Arrimadas in 2017, when he won the regional elections (fighting the independence movement, but also denouncing the inaction of the PP and PSOE for many years) but without enough to unseat the nationalists of the Palau de la Generalitat. In any case, some orange leaders consider that the interest of the PP in going hand in hand in this matter has to do, precisely, with “his trajectory of passivity & rdquor; Front of linguistic immersion.

What is clear in Feijóo’s environment is that fighting this battle does not collide with “cordial bilingualism & rdquor; that the new national president of the PP defends and that he himself assured that it will be “the one that will implement in Catalonia & rdquor ;. Citizens show doubts about it. He already did it a few days ago after the error of the general coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo, who affirmed that Spain was a “plurinational State & rdquor; by defending the different nationalities included in the Constitution.

The PP turned the page on the controversy with a clarifying message from the leader: “It is obvious that it is not a multinational State, nor will it ever be”. But the orange party took advantage of the controversy to defend a constitutional reform that eliminates from article 2 the differences between nationalities and regions.

First agreement in the Feijóo era

Despite the differences that continue to separate the PP and Ciudadanos, this appeal for unconstitutionality supposes the first joint strategy of the ‘Feijóo era’. Before the bridges were blown up, under the leadership of Pablo Casado, the two parties came to share a pre-electoral coalition, that of the Basque Country, which ended the leadership of Alfonso Alonso. The intention of collaboration was constant until the motion of censure in Murcia, the electoral repetition in Madrid and the takeover bid launched from Genoa to sign positions of Citizens throughout Spain.

As this newspaper published, Feijóo has already told Arrimadas the end of that hostile relationship with his party, guaranteeing “fair play & rdquor; and the end of past maneuvers with which the Galician leader never agreed. What had not yet been seen was an approach of these characteristics. The union of the two parliamentary groups to wage the linguistic battle in Catalonia represents a new milestone in the relationship between both formations.
