Line: the theater of the absurd in Milan

THEsrael Horovitz wrote Line in 1965, a text between the dramatic and the grotesque which, after more than 50 years, has not lost its relevance and has been staged continuously on Broadway.

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A moment of the play “Line”. From left, Francesco Meola, Fabio Zulli, Mico Pugliares, Rossana Mola and Valerio Bongiorno (photo by Laila Pozzo).

On an empty stage 5 people fight each other for the first place in a hypothetical row. On stage Valerio Bongiorno, Francesco Meola, Rossana Mola, Mico Pugliares, Fabio Zulli. Directed by Renato Sarti.
INFO: Milan, Teatro della Cooperativa, until 12 June.
