Lindsay misses her mother in Beijing: ‘I love you to China and back!’

Lindsay van Zundert (17) made her debut on the first day of the Olympic Games, when the young figure skater was allowed to carry the flag into the stadium on behalf of the Netherlands during the opening ceremony. She talks about it with great pride but also with a bit of homesickness. “It was a moment I will never forget.”

“It was of course great fun, a very nice experience to be able to carry the flag together with Kjeld. I enjoyed it very much, it was a moment I will never forget”, says the proud Lindsay van Zundert from Etten-Leur in the radio program Graat en De Laat at Omroep Brabant.

Lindsay’s mother Chantal is also on the phone. The idea of ​​having Lindsay carry the Dutch flag actually came from her grandfather, Chantal says. That’s right, Lindsay agrees. “When it became known that I was allowed to go to the Games, Grandpa was there too. And he said: just ask if you can wear the flag! That would be so nice.” She never thought she would be. “I thought they were going to ask someone to come along for the first time. But Grandpa said just ask or you’ll never know.”


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