‘Linda de Mol’s comeback failed, what a sour entry’

Linda de Mol’s comeback has failed miserably, according to media personality Victor Vlam. He states that she handled it incredibly badly. “What a sour introvert.”

© SBS 6

Linda de Mol returned to the spotlight last month after a very long break. Anyone who thought that her team had mapped out a careful PR plan was wrong: in a long column, the fallen TV queen once again started to beat around the bush at all kinds of media personalities such as Angela de Jong.

sour entry

Very sad, says Victor Vlam. In his podcast De Communicado’s, which deals with communication, media and politics, he says: “I think she’s handling it very, very badly from a technical point of view. You do not expect that from Linda de Mol, because this is someone who normally does everything perfectly from a PR technical point of view.”

Linda’s column is a historical miss, he says. “It wasn’t a very strong column. Very defensive. She’s already starting to say: ‘It will all be taken out of context again what I write here!’ Then I think: I think that’s a bit of a sour entry.”

Self pity

Linda exceeds all boundaries of what is sensible, says Victor. “Then it is also lashed out at Tim Hofman and Angela de Jong. Then I also think: the self-pity drips from it. Self-pity is one of the worst things she’s done there.”

The ordinary viewer does not appreciate the self-pity of a very rich TV woman, he believes. “The problem is a bit that the average viewer of her is never going to accept that. Those are people who are plumbers or nurses. They have a very busy job with physically demanding work. They don’t get all kinds of praise all the time.”

‘People don’t understand’

Linda de Mol of course. “It is very strange if you complain from that position. People just don’t get that very well. On a human level I can understand that you feel sorry for yourself, but it’s better to just leave it out.”

What is Victor’s conclusion about Linda’s comeback? “It didn’t quite work out, I think we can say softly.”

