Linda de Mol will remain furious with the media in 2024: ‘NO, Telegraaf!’

Linda de Mol does not intend to change her defensive attitude towards media that she cannot control. “We asked again if she wanted to talk, but no…”


What a luxury to have your own media empire: just send your own message to the people without contradiction: Linda de Mol loves it. Since she is no longer continuously praised, she has completely withdrawn into her own ranks. At the first breath of headwind she immediately started sputtering.

Linda remains silent

Since the outbreak of the Voice riot – and with it the revelations about her lover Jeroen Rietbergen – Linda has no longer given interviews to media that her family does not control. Does Linda speak? Then it is in her own magazine. Because the media that are not from her family? According to Linda, they cannot be trusted.

It seems that Linda will also maintain this course in 2024, because according to Telegraaf star reporter Jordi Versteegden she continues to refuse interviews. “She doesn’t want to talk about it yet. We also recently tried again: ‘Can we do an interview with Linda again?’, but she is simply not interested in that,” he says in an interview. Telegraph video.

Own platform

What excuse does Linda or her ever angry manager Xenia Kasper give? “Everything she wants to say about the past period goes through her own platform, she says. She has come to distrust us, the media itself, about the way we reported. Opinions differ on that.”

Telegraaf presenter Wilson Boldewijn seems to think it is a weakness. “Yes, let’s leave it at that,” he says to his colleague.

New program

If Linda doesn’t want to talk, maybe Jordi has a nice joke up his sleeve instead? Yes, he thinks she’s repeating herself. “I would love it if she started making some new things again. Ik Hou Van Holland is really no longer the success it once was. The format no longer suits her.”

And what about Miljoenenjacht? “That is still a success, but that depends on the format. Come up with a new program. Something completely new with which she can make a fresh start.”

Well, just some free advice at the beginning of 2024. Very sympathetic!
