‘Linda de Mol uses refugees to benefit herself’

Yvonne Coldeweijer thinks that Linda de Mol’s taking Ukrainian refugees home is indeed part of a charm offensive. “To portray oneself humanely.”

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Linda de Mol has taken Ukrainian refugees into her home. It was discovered by a paparazzo of gossip magazine Weekend, who, according to editor-in-chief Bart Ettekoven, happened to be standing in front of her gate when she walked into her castle with the refugees. The manager of Xenia Kasper then immediately confirmed the news.

Charm offensive

Showbizhyena Yvonne Coldeweijer thinks it’s a smart PR strategy. She points to the role of Linda’s manager Xenia Kasper, who normally does not comment on anything but explained exactly how many refugees Linda has taken in and how old they are. “Is that noted?” Yvonne imitates.

Yvonne thinks it’s ‘double’, she continues in her infamous Popcorn Show† “Now this news comes out as the first news after weeks. Then you start to think to yourself a little bit: is this a charm offensive or is this out of the sheer goodness of Lin?”


Linda shows typical Dutch celebrity behavior, according to Yvonne. “You know, I also read that note from Jan, Jan Dijkgraaf… He was talking about Ukraine… I don’t like to act like: oh my god, guys, I’m giving Giro 555! Just give it, deposit it into the account, but why do you have to display it like that? That gives me the creeps.”

Then she continues about Linda: “Do you want to do something good? Just do it, just know for yourself. It just seems like another ‘how can I make this about me?’ say. How am I going to use this suffering of others to benefit myself? That is literally what it is.”

vinegar seekers

Television has reacted very disapprovingly to the suggestion that Linda would have started a charm offensive, and Yvonne understands that. “Of course she uses something vulnerable, refugees, so that you can’t say anything negative about her.”

Isn’t it a bit too cynical to speak of a charm offensive? “Of course there’s always a kind of balance between ‘it’s never good!’ and the people who say, ‘Jesus, do you need attention again?’ That’s always a bit, whatever I see in my DMs, on any subject.”

Ivory tower

Yet it really seems to be going on here, says Yvonne. “Because she clearly fell from the golden throne and found out: hey, people don’t think I’m a royal at all, people do blame me… put down.”

“It’s pretty obvious of course. Nevertheless, I want to say, Lin: very good that you took the refugees into your home, because that can also be said. However?”


Media reporter Jordi Versteegden of De Telegraaf thinks it is very sad for Linda that there is now speculation about her intentions. “I actually think that’s sad that that is said, because Linda did not bring it out herself. She could have been lying when Weekend called.”

“Then I think: to immediately turn everything into a charm offensive… She doesn’t deserve that.”
