Linda de Mol under fire for Amalia shirt: “This is so condescending”

Linda de Mol is under fire for selling Love Amalia shirts to ‘heart the crown princess’. “Surely she will understand that this comes across as condescending?”

© LINDA., Frank Ruiter/RVD

It is a bit uncomfortable: Linda de Mol is on the cover of LINDA this month. with a Love Amalia shirt. It turns out to be a tough commercial collaboration with HEMA, where you can order the shirts in the run-up to King’s Day for 15 euros each. Isn’t this a bit inappropriate?

Linda supports Amalia

Linda states in her editorial that Amalia needs support because she is threatened and because she can “always count on the heartless who mock your clothing choice or figure on social media.” “How nice would it be if we all posted something sweet and positive on social media on King’s Day? As a statement of support in a difficult time.”

She continues: “Making it known en masse that we do sympathize with her. That we love her just the way she is, and rebuke all haters who think it’s necessary to say something ugly about her appearance with #doeslief or #nietokay. We throw it in, the 27th of April: the hashtag #loveAmalia. Who is in?”


It is clear that Linda nowadays no longer has a clear view of which women really deserve her support. You may wonder whether Amalia is even waiting for the support of the fallen TV queen, whose lover Jeroen Rietbergen is being prosecuted for a horrific sexual offense. Isn’t this all a bit too much?

Rob Goossens thinks so, he responds under a photo of Linda’s co-editor-in-chief. “Surely she will understand that this comes across as condescending as calling someone a ‘opportunity pearl’? Soon Amalia will think there is something wrong with her because the Gooische hat brigade is so obligatory walking around with Love Amalia shirts?”


Also at Linda’s Instagram page sounds a lot of criticism. For example, someone says: “Then do it for free or the proceeds go to a good cause. It would also be great if instead of supporting Amalia we would just support children who are having a hard time and are not seen by a Linda. Super k * t for Amalia, but that is really well taken care of.”

A Lyn thinks that Amalia is not waiting for such an unsolicited action. “I always wonder who comes up with things like this? And is Amalia really waiting for this?”

Bad for the environment

Supporting Amalia in this way may be nice for Linda’s and HEMA’s wallets, but others say it’s incredibly bad for the environment. “I don’t want to be a vinegar pisser, but I’m going to be: nice and sustainable guys! 😡 Most people put it on once! Really can’t anymore. A waste of resources!!!”, says Cindy.

Lila thinks Linda should focus on other things. “The more attention, the more hassle. Jo, Linda, had your husband put on a shirt that read: ‘Help my husband is…’ 😂.”


The editor-in-chief of the LINDA. also wears an Amalia shirt:
