Linda de Mol tackled in Even Tot Hier: ‘Can’t you make it!’

Linda de Mol was dealt with quite a bit last night in the season premiere of Even Tot Hier. According to Niels van der Laan and Jeroen Woe, it is a travesty that they of all people give saving tips.


Many people in our country are concerned about the high energy bill. Those people could use some support in these turbulent times, according to comedian Niels van der Laan in the season premiere of Even Tot Hier. “Fortunately, all Dutch people who are having a hard time received a few handy saving tips this week.”

Laughing at Linda

Colleague Jeroen Woe: “Yes, from someone who really knows what it’s like to have a really hard time.”

Niels: “Someone who knows what it’s like to barely make ends meet.”

Jeroen: “Yes, namely from Linda de Mol.”

Laughter follows in the studio. Niels: “Linda gave a few useful tips on Instagram this week and she also posted a great photo.”

quiz question

The people in the studio are then presented with a quiz question. “What is Linda doing in the photo she posted with her money-saving tips for poor people?” the question asks.

The options given: ‘she drinks champagne’, ‘she is in a bath full of money’ and ‘she spits in the face of a welfare mother’. It turns out to be the second (see photo above). Niels: “Even at the Jumbo they said: ‘You can’t make this, Linda!’”

Jeroen: “What the hell does Linda have for saving tips? Don’t set your pool at 30 but at 28 degrees? Take LED lighting in your driveway? Only heat the floors in your house that you visit more than once a week.”

studio lamp

Then Niels suddenly starts to look up nervously. “I look up for a moment. If you say something that makes Linda de Mol angry, a lamp can fall on your head,” he says, pointing to the bloody slaughter of Angela de Jong in Linda’s series Five Live.

Niels: “Linda who gives tips on saving, is of course of no use to you.”

Every day Appie

Then a woman who suffers from energy poverty speaks: Anna. “Yes, Linda de Mol can give great tips, but of course she has a very different income than us, so that doesn’t really apply to us,” she says.

“She can probably just go to Albert Heijn every day or to an even more expensive supermarket if she wants, but for us that kite with the energy price and inflation just doesn’t work for us.”

At the end of the episode, this woman is put in a bathtub full of fake money, just like Linda. Which tip is on the cover of ‘her’ magazine? “Don’t take a man who can’t work because he’s touched young girls inappropriately.”


fake money

The cover of Anna’s magazine:
