‘Linda de Mol has harmed more women than friend’

Linda de Mol has harmed more women than her controversial ex-lover Jeroen Rietbergen. At least, that’s what NPO Radio 1 columnist Janneke de Bijl thinks. “Sham feminism!”


Jeroen Rietbergen, as band leader of The Voice of Holland, has acted cross-border against defenseless candidates of the program. He went through the dust deeply for this, but if it’s up to Janneke de Bijl, it’s time Linda de Mol did the same. She has harmed many more women, she says NPO Radio 1.

fake feminism

The magazine LINDA. is currently on the shelves with an edition that aims to normalize the female breast and especially the nipple. It is also popularly referred to as the tetten edition. Janneke: “The funny thing is that the women on the cover all cover their nipples, but according to the editor-in-chief, that could not be otherwise.”

The reason for that covering is that otherwise the cover could not be shared on social media. That is of course bad for publicity and therefore for the wallet. “And so embraces the LINDA. yet again the norm they want to fight for the sake of commerce. It is symbolic of the sham feminism that the LINDA. has been preaching for years.”

body positivity

The LINDA. is awful fake, says Jane. “They want to come across as a leaf that before body positivity is, but in practice mainly contribute to the opposite. If I have the LINDA. If I had to describe it in one sentence, I would say: it is a magazine that is about how you, as a woman, can prevent yourself from looking the way you actually look.”

The magazine ‘bulges’ with advertisements and articles about how you can hide and change your appearance with cream, make-up and botox, according to Janneke. “I remember very well the pictures of women before and after their labia correction, saying things like, ‘I finally look normal down there.’”

More damage

Under the article was the name of the clinic, according to Janneke. “Wherever you as a reader can have this done. If that’s not body positivity, I don’t know what is. Thanks to the LINDA. you are now unkempt if you have not chosen for yourself exactly where you want your cheekbones and whether you want your eyes above or below them.”

Then Janneke lashes out incredibly hard at Linda. “I fear that Linda de Mol has inflicted more damage on women than her boyfriend. (…) She first sketches an ideal that no one can live up to and then makes articles that read: be happy with yourself the way you are.”

‘We are better’

Linda is one big sham, says Janneke. “She’s trying to solve problems that wouldn’t have happened without her. Like an ambulance that hits people itself so that they can get to work afterwards.”

According to her, the interview with Fajah Lourens in the latest issue is exemplary. The diet diva is happy with herself thanks to a breast augmentation, botox, cupping her cellulite, using MSM powder and ultherapy for her jawline. Janneke: “Because everyone is good the way they are, but they are just that little bit better.”


Janneke’s harsh criticism:
