Linda de Mol disappoints The Voice victims: ‘A lot of misunderstanding’

Linda de Mol causes a lot of misunderstanding among the victims of The Voice of Holland with her apparent decision to return to the arms of Jeroen Rietbergen. “But she decides for herself.”


The two of them pontifically sat down on the most famous terrace in Paris: Jeroen Rietbergen and Linda de Mol. And then of course you know that a photo will follow. The fallen TV queen can hardly raise a bigger middle finger to the victims of The Voice of Holland. At least, that is how they feel, according to lawyer Sébas Diekstra.

Much misunderstanding

Sébas and his clients have of course also seen the photo in which Linda is again sitting side by side with Jeroen, who has behaved cross-border as band leader of The Voice. “Last weekend I received several text messages about the fact that the two were spotted together in Paris,” he says RTL Boulevard.

The lawyer continues: “The various clients think that Linda de Mol can of course decide for herself with whom she fills in her life, but they really don’t understand it.”

Linda doesn’t care

Telegraaf reporter Jordi Versteegden thinks that Linda does not really care what the Voice victims think. “I also very much wonder how the victims look at it who have filed a report against Jeroen. Not that Linda should be guided by that, but of course it is something that immediately comes to my mind.” he says.

He continues: “Does she take that into account? Frankly, I don’t think so. Today I read the columns she wrote for her magazine LINDA in the past period. and in it she also says: ‘2023 will be the year in which I will find out what really makes me happy.’ Maybe that is the love for Jeroen after all.”

Middle finger

Linda is under fire on social media for taking Jeroen in grace. “Soooo, Linda de Mol was spotted in Paris with her filthy ex… First she wants to pity her own, pathetic person through her platforms and now she is raising a big middle finger to Jeroen’s victims ?,” says Lotte.

Roderik: “That Linda de Mol has no decency or empathy whatsoever. What does she think of Jeroen’s victims?”

And yet another: “This shows how the De Mol family gives a big middle finger to the rest of the Netherlands and especially the victims.”
