Linda de Mol confirms comeback on television: ‘She is very clever’

Linda de Mol confirms via Talpa Network that she will make her comeback on television shortly after the summer. She is recording a new series of Miljoenenjacht and it will be aired from September.

© Roy Beusker

Linda de Mol has been avoiding publicity for six months now. Not only did she find out in January that her beloved Jeroen Rietbergen had misbehaved for years at The Voice of Holland, but she also suffered extreme image damage due to a hefty error of judgment – ​​she concealed Ali B’s misbehavior within Talpa. Now she wants to be back on TV.

Linda back on TV

Telegraaf journalist Jordi Versteegden reports in his entertainment update that Linda will make her TV comeback with Miljoenenjacht in September. “That is no surprise, because the program has been postponed. It was actually supposed to be on TV at the beginning of this year, but it was clear then that Linda couldn’t make that program at all yet.”

He continues: “Talpa now definitively confirms that Linda will make her comeback after a rather intense and difficult period with the whole Voice riot that is behind her. So she’s coming back with this program. It is currently being recorded. It will appear on the tube this autumn, which is around September.”

‘Very clever’

Media critic Jan Roos states in his program: GossipTalk that Linda is trying to get very flashy positive publicity in the run-up to that TV comeback. This week she dropped a fun holiday photo from London via her daughter-in-law, and previously she was on the Weekend cover taking refugees home.

Jan agrees with the critics who find it very coincidental that Linda was photographed just when she took a Ukrainian family into her home. Who took the photo? The Weekend magazine of editor-in-chief Bart Ettekoven, who is under contract with her brother John de Mol’s show section: Shownieuws. Bart himself denies a one-two punch.

‘So hypocritical’

According to Jan, Bart’s denial is worth nothing at all. “It’s all so hypocritical. I’m so tired of it. The only reason Linda de Mol had five Ukrainians in her house at one point is because she was shit in PR. She had to do something. And what did she do then? Picked up five of those people.”

It’s all orchestrated, he says. “Then she called: ‘I’ll be coming over with Ukrainians later.’ Then she was photographed ‘secretly’ over the fence. The photographer then knew exactly how to take the pictures with the Ukrainians, because he happened to know that Linda was approaching with those Ukrainians. Do you believe it yourself? It’s all made up, dude.”

Linda on talk show?

It is not expected that Linda will appear in a talk show around her return to television. She is angry at the whole world and says she only trusts her own magazine.

Jordi: “For the time being, she will not be doing interviews. She has announced that if she is going to tell her story, she will do it on her own platform, because that is what she trusts the most, but that will not be before the first broadcast of Miljoenenjacht and not soon after. So she will have to wait a little longer.”
