Linda de Mol bashed in RTL Boulevard: “Where are your arm flaps?”

Linda de Mol was bashed in RTL Boulevard last night during an item about the latest cover of her magazine LINDA., on which she poses naked. “Where are your arm flaps?”


As a TV queen you are untouchable, but now that Linda de Mol has fallen hard from her pedestal, she must also deal with all those witty TV pundits and ruthless critics. For example, she received a pretty mean comment last night during the live broadcast of the well-watched RTL Boulevard.

Photoshopped Linda?

Linda is currently back on shelves as cover girl of her own magazine LINDA. and this time the theme is naturism. That is why the presenter is semi-naked on the cover, in a colorful camping chair. The presenter looks great in the photo, but is the cover unedited or has it been photoshopped for a few hours?

One thing is certain: for the photographer on duty, the theme comes very close. “Last year, the photographer of this cover told me enthusiastically about the house he bought on a French naturist campsite. About how wonderful it is there, how one with nature you are when you don’t have to get dressed first,” says Linda in her editorial.

Nasty juice spies

Linda got excited. “Although I immediately realized that in this life, with my well-known head and recently those nasty juice spies everywhere who no longer grant you an inch of privacy with their mobile phones, I would never, ever dare to do that. But: in my next life I will probably not become a celebrity, and then I would like to be a convinced naturist.”

Bridget Maasland responds in RTL Boulevard: “I did not see that coming at all.”

Mean sneer

But eh, Linda who wishes that in a next life she is not known for being a naturist? Rob Goossens wonders whether the TV millionaire realizes what that means.

The TV connoisseur mean: “Does she know that if you are not famous, then there is not someone who also photoshops your flaps away from your arms?”


Linda on the cover of LINDA.:
