Limburg economy rises sharply in one year | 1Limburg

The Limburg economy has grown considerably compared to the first quarter of last year.

This is evident from figures from Statistics Netherlands in collaboration with LocalFocus on Tuesday morning.

Catering and travel agency
The industry, the hospitality industry and the travel agency are the main drivers of economic growth in the province and the rest of the country. The catering industry and travel brokerage in particular benefit from the relaxation of the corona measures.

North Limburg
Compared to last year, the economy in North Limburg grew the fastest at 8 percent. Central Limburg follows with seven percent and the south follows with six percent. On average, the Dutch economy grew by seven percent in the first quarter of this year.

Also read: Highest economic growth in North Limburg

Biggest riser
Haarlemmermeer is the largest increase of all regions and municipalities in the Netherlands. The economy there grew by no less than 18 percent. This is followed by Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (11 percent) and Amsterdam (10 percent). Nowhere did the economy decline compared to a year earlier, but the increase was smallest in East Groningen, at four percent.
