Limburg convoy on its way: ‘Bombs fell yesterday’ | 1Limburg

The Limburg aid convoy that left for Ukraine from Kelpen-Oler on Sunday morning was only about twenty kilometers away from the Ukrainian border on Monday afternoon.

“The journey was quiet and peaceful,” Wim van de Moosdijk of the organization told L1 radio. The delegation is driving four trucks full of relief supplies to Ukraine. The logo of the Red Cross is on the trucks so that it is visible that it is an aid transport.

Never thought
“It is bizarre, twenty kilometers away bombs fell yesterday and people died. I never thought that as a truck driver I would experience something like this,” says Van de Moosdijk. “We have not yet seen refugees themselves, which is probably due to the fact that the place where we are now is a transfer location. So people do not stay here.”

The emergency transport is going well. “The majority of the goods have already been unloaded. This is happening at a rapid pace here with the help of about thirty people. Tomorrow we will unload some more trucks and then we will probably go home again.”

Van de Moosdijk says that he does not yet know what the return trip to the safe Limburg will feel like. “We’ll see tomorrow. In any case, I’m very happy to talk about it. Can you imagine that the bombs will fall on us next week. Then you will also be happy if help is offered.”
