Lilianne Ploumen steps out of politics immediately

Ploumen writes in the statement that she is stepping down because she believes that she cannot fulfill her role as party leader well enough.

times of emergency

“Dear party members, more than a year ago and just a few weeks before the elections to the House of Representatives, I took on the political leadership of our party. Because if the party calls on you, especially in times of emergency, then you say yes,” Ploumen begins the statement. She then took over from Lodewijk Asscher.

‘I am not the ideal leader’

Ploumen writes that she fulfilled this task with everything she had in her. She had vowed to lead the party at least until the municipal elections and so over the past few weeks she has been thinking about whether she wants to continue to do so. She writes: “The answer is there. And actually, I, and you may have known it for quite some time. The answer is that the leadership of the party does not suit me well and I am therefore not the ideal leader of our party.”

Lilianne Ploumen is proud of what she has achieved

According to Ploumen, a party leader must be “opinion-forming”, “distinguishable in style and positions” and must “lead the party in idea development on themes in which I feel less at home.” “I don’t think I can live up to that well enough, and that’s why I’m stepping down,” she writes.

“I am proud of what I have accomplished. The advancement for women to make decisions about their own bodies. The change to a fairer clothing industry. And of course the breakthrough in left-wing, progressive collaboration. The alliance between the Labor Party and GroenLinks will deepen and broaden further – because hope and change benefit from cooperation, from a united voice for equality of opportunity, against fragmentation and division.”

Great party mates

Lilianne Ploumen concludes with a good word for her party members: “Today I say goodbye to my colleagues from the faction and to national politics, but not to our beautiful party and our ideals. And I want to thank you. To this day I know myself supported by all those great party members who are committed to social and fair choices. People who are dear to me. I would like to say to them, it is the soft forces that win, that shape the future of our country and the world. I am happy to help with that from a different role.”

read here Ploumen’s entire statement.


Apr 12, 2022
