Lil Kleine does mea culpa in video: ‘I hurt a lot of people’ | Stars

Jorik says in the video: “I see that I have lived in an unhealthy, wrong way for far too long. That I’ve done wrong things as a person. That I haven’t been myself. That I did wrong. And that I hurt and hurt a lot of people and that that should never have happened.”

He continues: “I also see that what happened is wrong and that help is needed. Professional help. I am currently in Thailand where I get this professional help. I know it’s going to be a very long road, but I’m going for it with full courage. What I also want to say is that I realize very well that I have not been the example I want to be for my child as a father.”

In addition, Jorik says he misses his fans, loves them and hopes to see them soon.
