Like newspaper boy Erich 100 years ago – BZ rolls through Berlin

Bertine (38) raced across the Kurfürstendamm on rollers with the BZ.  Berlin hasn't seen that for 100 years

Bertine (38) raced across the Kurfürstendamm on rollers with the BZ. Berlin hasn’t seen that for 100 years Photo: Parvets

By Sabine Klier and Oliver Ohmann

On Saturday, the BZ was in a party mood. We have been the voice of Berlin for 145 years. There was also a 20-page supplement, brimming with voices from Berlin.

We brought them directly to the people of Berlin on the street. There were also Alexandre (33), Bertine (38) and Alexandra (33) – on their roller skates. Normally the three show their cool tricks on the Tempelhofer Feld. For the BZ they went on tour in the old town of Spandau, on the Kudamm and in the Friedrichstrasse.

In 1920, the newspaper boy Erich Hübner invented the distribution of BZ on roller skates
Photo: bpk / art library, SMB, phot

No coincidence, of course. In 1920, a kid from Weißensee had the idea of ​​distributing the BZ on roller skates. His name was Erich Hübner and we once again emulated him for the anniversary.

“BeeZett!” Alexandra (33) rolled down Friedrichstrasse with the anniversary BZ Photo: Parvets

On the Kudamm there was the hot off the press BZ on Saturday for browsing at the weekend

On the Kudamm there was the hot off the press BZ on Saturday for browsing at the weekend Photo: Parvets


Berlin culture history city life
