Lights out, pants on! Power failure in Berlin’s largest whorehouse

Lights out, pants on!  Power failure in Berlin's largest brothel

Not a glimmer of joy during a power outage in Berlin’s largest brothel Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Boettger

A power outage paralyzed Berlin’s largest brothel on Friday night – and it wasn’t just there that there was no traffic…

During the night of Friday, the power went out in the area around Rathenauplatz, Oberer Kurfürstendamm and Halenseestrasse. This also affected Berlin’s largest brothel, Artemis. The brothel and a gas station had to close because nothing worked or flowed without electricity.

A gas station also had to close

A gas station also had to close due to the power outage Photo: Spreepicture

Numerous apartments in the Halensee area were also affected.

The power outage was resolved in the morning. It is not yet known why the light went out.


Currently brothel power outage
