Light summer makeup: BB cream and foundation alternatives

Andstay, hot weather and make-up, however light, do not always get along. Lighten up: this is the key word to face the hottest months of the year in style. Not only by reducing the steps but also the consistencies of daily make-up: yes, therefore, a extra light, liquid or powder formulations, as long as they are volatile. Word of expert.

Light makeup for summer 2022, how to review the basics

“The latest generation formulas guarantee very high performance even at high temperatures,” he explains Luciano Bernardi, product manager Diego Dalla Palma Milan.

In spite of everything, foundation is the first product that most women give up. For this the textures become impalpable and imperceptible on the skin, even in compact formats.

The powders they guarantee a high adherence to the face, fixing themselves perfectly and resisting sweat and high temperatures, while remaining light while the matte finish makes them ideal for mixed-oily skin. However, the richer textures, indicated for sensitive, dry or mature skin, are not to be dismissed ».

BB Cream and CC Cream, the alternatives for the summer

In the heat, the BB and CC Cream are excellent alternatives to foundation. «They are the natural evolution of the” old “colored creams. Current formulations are enriched with soft focus pigments that minimize imperfections and micro-pearls that give brightness»Explains the expert.

Often they are also present very elevating sunscreens, SPF 30 or 50, and anti-smog agents city ​​proof

Waterproof and long lasting make-up: the products to choose in summer

Not just basics: «Even pencils, eyeliner, mascara and lipsticks become waterproof and long lasting. More they are formulated with sensitive skin in mind“.

Excessive sweating caused by high temperatures can irritate even more reactive skins. For this we need specific products.

How to lighten summer makeup

Between primer, base, any powder, concealer and blush, is there any step that can be skipped in the summer? «Yes, especially when traveling when you have to deal with limited space, foundation can be replaced by a concealer, to be applied locally on imperfections or in a widespread manner

The blush instead can be chosen in cream or stick because it is easier to blend on bare skin, while lipsticks should have a small percentage of powders, or in any case be opaque, so as to last longer »explains the expert.

Few steps

What you should never give up in the summer is enhance one’s strength, «especially if you want to reduce make-up to a minimum. For those who like to focus on the eyes, just a stroke of eyeliner or mascara; if instead you prefer lips, the choice will fall on a nice lipstick ».

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A speech that also applies to the epidermis: «For example, if you don’t have porcelain skin, you can use them lightweight products that minimize imperfections preventing the unsightly effect of artificially thickened skin.

And how final touch, blush or bronzing powder, also applied delicately on the eyelid», Concludes the expert.

