Lifestyle trends for 2023

Camper Van Escape. Illustration: Jackie Mallon

The Great Outdoors

Whether it’s just a day hike or a multi-month campervan trip, the pandemic has given people a new love for the outdoors. The demand for outdoor clothing, also known as “gorpcore”, reflects this trend. In the coming year, city dwellers, from families with young children to those retiring or already are, will increasingly want to get out into the green, just as they have since early 2020. This is not only due to the pandemic and the associated changes in habits, but also to the astronomical rise in real estate and rent prices in the city centers and the fear of violence on the streets.

Social activism against corporations

As the 2024 US election campaign heats up, Americans of all ages, from Baby Boomers to Generation Z, will unite to fight far-right views and anti-democracy positions. They expect companies to support them in this. The more people rely on companies to speak out on issues they care about, the more investors will see this activism as an extension of corporate interests, rather than a distraction from them.

In search of an optimized self

Many people have used the pandemic lockdowns to fine-tune themselves and their skills in specific areas. This trend will continue in 2023. People enjoyed activities such as online courses, trying out vegan recipes, learning a foreign language, or learning a musical instrument. But the soul needs tweaking now too: Depression and anxiety rates have skyrocketed in the US, and experts in self-care and wellness are helping people find ways to counter the negativity.

Extreme globetrotters

Now that people are free to travel again, from Vietnam to Nigeria, they will find joy in visiting places they never expected to see, especially in Asia and Africa. So are parents who, after two years of homeschooling, decide to travel to provide their children with a global education.

Denim replaces home wear

During the FW22 ordering seasons, denim made a big impression and graced the runways in all sorts of ways. This trend will continue in 2023 as consumers look for stylish clothes that are as comfortable as the sweatpants and sweatshirts they’ve been wearing during the pandemic. The looks range from blue jeans with a white shirt or tank top and sneakers to elaborately printed and embroidered denim ensembles and outerwear.

metakey: trends, ss23 cat: 8 country_name:de,ch featured:1 AUTHOR: Jayne Mountford
