Life-threatening e-cigarette extremely popular among young people

The new figures from the Trimbos Institute don’t lie; The e-cigarette is popular among young people. In the past year, one in five young people aged 12 to 25 have used an e-cigarette or vape. And that’s not the only bad news. ”Even worse is that 69 percent of young people who use a vape also start smoking. That is what we have always feared, that you would catch such a young group of children and make them mega-addicted,” said pulmonologist Wanda de Kanter.

The vape is available in many different, attractive and sweet flavors. The design also does not suggest that this is a very harmful product. “The tobacco industry says that this product is there to help people quit smoking, but nothing could be further from the truth. They are starters for young people, you can see that in the flavors, the colors and the lights,” says De Kanter.

Irreparable damage

Smoking an e-cigarette poses major health risks. One vape contains the same amount of nicotine as two packs of cigarettes. Young people can become addicted after smoking three vapes.

The high dose of nicotine also has other negative consequences, according to Wanda.It causes children to have less impulse control. The prefrontal cortex is irreparably damaged. Children become more impulsive and less focused, and that continues.”

Unknown content

What exactly is in such an electronic cigarette is also still unknown. “There is no package leaflet with the product.” However, according to pulmonologist De Kanter, metals are found in the vapes. In addition to impulse control problems, psychiatrists also see children with depression and anxiety and panic disorders caused by heavy vaping.

Wanda has the website together with Trimbos and a large group of doctors Doctors sound the alarm set up. There, parents can inform themselves about the risks of vapes. In addition, Wanda emphasizes that parents should talk to their children about this product.

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