Life of Charles 2 streaming on Paramount +: release, cast, guest stars, plot

The series boasts in its cast, among others, Christian De Sica and Gabriele Muccino

Editorial board

Paramount+ announced today that it will exclusively broadcast the second season of Life with Charlesthe hit autobiographical series starring Charles Verdone and produced by Luigi and Aurelio De Laurentiis.

life from carlo 2 arrives in september

The launch date was made official on the occasion of Giffoni Film Festival 2023during a special dedicated panel in which Carlo Verdone together with the co-protagonists of the series, Saint John And Ludovica Martino, met the kids present at the festival. The series is written by Pasquale Plastino, Ciro Zecca, Luca Mastrogiovanni and by Carlo Verdone who directs it alternating with Valerio Vestoso.

Life of Charles 2: cast and Guest stars

The series, in addition to that of Charles Verdoneboasts in its cast the strongest names in Italian entertainment and beyond:

  • Max Tortora
  • Monica Guerritore
  • Stephanie Rocca
  • Saint John
  • Claudia Gerini
  • Christian De Sica
  • Gabriel Muccino
  • Zlatan Ibrahimovic
  • Maria DeFilippi
  • Maria Paiato
  • Ludovica Martino
  • Fabio Traversa
  • Catherine DeAngelis
  • Antonio Banno
  • Philip Contri
  • Stephen Ambrogi
  • Claudia Power
  • Jade Benedetti
  • Sergio Forconi
  • Theresa Castle
  • Conrad Solari
  • Olga Rossi
  • Nina Pons
  • Sofia Bistacchi
  • Mita Doctors

The music Of Life with Charles are by Fabio Amurri, Edizioni Musicali Filmauro. The director of photography is Roberto Forza, the Scenography is by Giuliano Pannuti, the Costumes are by Tatiana Romanoff, the montage is by Montage Pietro Morana, the general organizer of the production is instead Carlo Pasini.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic was also present

Last December, right from the set of Vita da Carlo 2, Carlo Verdone had spoiled the presence of Zlatan Ibrahimovic in the second season of the series. “Today is a working day like any other for us. But a little special because Zlatan Ibrahimovic landed from Milan to recite his pose” wrote the actor posting a photo with Zlatan on Instagram. “Delightful person for humility, generosity and professionalism. We met today for the first time and I can say that I have a new friend who I hope to see again soon. Thanks again Zlatan for having accepted my invitation with enthusiasm. It’s not for everyone… And I’ll always be grateful to you for that” she concluded.
