"Life goes on"

The IVEX caseJulio Iglesias is one of the biggest scandals that have hit the Eduardo Zaplana. And in that competition there is level. and it’s not because amount of looted money (although 12 million is not small change)but because in this matter, as in no other, they are all the pieces of the puzzle that draws a scene of corruption with all its ingredients: looting of the treasury, tax havenssocieties offshoredeceived public opinion, the Corts, the Sindicatura de Comptes, the Tax Agency… During thirteen years and more than 200 published information in lift-EMV accompanied by documentary evidence, I went shelling the pieces of that map of the execution of a contract that was a business for the artist and for those who made the choirs in the looting.

The last shovel to judicial burial of this case arrives to confirm that this matter has been the great stress test of the corruption regime, whose architect was Zaplana. That bridge withstood two hundred bullshit trailers in this matter without presenting a crack. The bridge rested on a absolute control of the media ecosystem (nobody joined this journalistic cause), the inaction or complicity of justice and a meager opposition of snipers, as described in the book Ciudadano Zaplana. What exactly did that consist of? scam And how is it possible that he has remained judicially unpunished?

A very personal signing

The transfer was conceived, executed and personally supervised by Eduardo Zaplanathat wanted to pay, with Valencian public money, the opening act for the campaign of Aznar in the 1996 general elections. He negotiated the conditions and the price in two meetings with the artist and his representative, Luis Fernando Esteban. A letter from the artist’s representative to Zaplana included in an annex the agreed terms.
