LIE NING in a video interview: “Women have always inspired me”

In a video interview with MUSIKEXPRESS, the 26-year-old singer-songwriter and dancer LIE NING talked about what’s actually behind his name, what there is to say about his stage personality and continued to talk about the fact that dreaming isn’t really like that it’s good to share every meal on Instagram: “If you can always imagine who the person is and what they eat for breakfast in the morning, it loses the touch of dreaming.”

About municipalities and over-politicization

In addition, the newcomer talks in detail about growing up in a Berlin community with adult artists – and how much childhood is left there. And also about what music was playing there, and when he first realized that he could not only sing with his voice, but also use his voice politically. About being bored with politics, he says: “The fear of over-politicization is very sad.” At the same time, he would like to create a place in his own music to arrive and let yourself go.

LIE NING’s approach to art

Finally, in an interview with us, he reports how you can finance your life as an artist when crises are raging in the world and streaming platforms are hardly making any money – and how you can choose cooperation with other creative people with care and added value . And last but not least, the conversation is also about why women have always inspired him.

Watch the full video interview with LIE NING here

Video interview: Samira Frauwallner
Cover photo: TEUFEL Brand Campaign x LIE NING

LIE NING’s new album UTOPIA will be released on April 14, 2023.
